Those blindsides are the really thing that will put you out.Now with Jesus as they covered His face and began to buffet Him, no way to feign or to give with the blow, and thus His face must have been horribly disfigured. Poor trembling sinner, look up a moment. None can dare to say such a thing. Isaiah 53:10 Context. Adam Clarke Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Isaiah 53:5. The grace and glories of his state of exaltation; and the graces he confers on us are not the least of the glories conferred on him. That a price should be paid and the ransom not consummated? and we didn't esteem him ( Isaiah 53:3 ). Hence, the joy of the aged Jacob in being permitted to see the children of Joseph Genesis 48:11 : And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face; and lo, God hath showed me also thy seed. He has divided the spoils, the fruits of his conquest, to all that are his: let us therefore cast in our lot among them. Well, first of all, THE DEATH OF CHRIST AS PRODUCED A POSTERITY. Ah! There is this to be said also for those who are called his seed that they prosecute the same ends, and expect to receive the same reward. What can Justice ask more? See how fever parches his tongue, and dries his whole body like a potsherd! Isaiah 53:10 Hebrew though you make; Isaiah 53:11 Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light of life. It is promised. Masoretic Text. It is a sacrifice for the removal of sin. The soldier had made assurance doubly sure by piercing his side. because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors ( Isaiah 53:12 ); Two thieves on either, one on either side. It introduces to us the innocent suffering servant who would be slain for the sins of God's people. And John said, "And I turned and I saw Him as a lamb that hath been slaughtered" ( Revelation 5:2-6 ). If Jesus is not the Messiah, there is no Messiah. All of these things prophesied in advance. While he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, rags and poverty and sin and filth and all, and he did not wait till he was clean, but ran and fell upon his neck and kissed him, just as he was. No inferior hand hath sketched even so much as the least minute parts of providence. Then the rank and file of the followers of Jesus learned the way to suffer and die as the leaders of the church set the example. Can you conceive how he stifled his emotions, and, with sobs, exclaimed, "My son, God will provide himself a lamb." So God declares, "By his knowledge shall My righteous servant justify many.". Surely he's a spiritual giant. You remember Jesus cried on the cross, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" In accordance with this, the idea is here, that the Messiah would sustain this relation, and that there would be multitudes who would sustain to him the relation of spiritual children. There was no dealing with us by a just God until the atoning Sacrifice had rolled away the stone that blocked the way, namely, the necessity that sin should be punished. Oh! They are no more responsible for the death of Jesus Christ than you or I. 4. "It pleased Jehovah to bruise him; he hath put him to griefs." The Septuagint translation by Brenton in Bible Hub reads as follows: "And I will give the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death; for he practiced no iniquity, nor craft with his mouth.". He doesn't even look like a human being. Christ becomes a substitute for us. Understand, then, the sense in which Christ was made a sacrifice for sin. It said, "And they shall look on Him whom they have pierced" ( Zechariah 12:10 ). They will be struck dumb, as it were, as they witness a sight more glorious than they or anyone else could ever have imagined (13-15).Many people find it hard to believe that God will give his servant such power and magnificence, because when they look at the servant they see just an ordinary person of insignificant beginnings. There is no other way into the first world but by birth: and there is no other way into the second world, wherein dwelleth righteousness, but by birth, and that birth is strictly connected with the pangs of the Savior's passion, "when thou shalt make his soul an of offering for sin, he shall see his seed." The word, that incorruptible see, of which they are born again, is his word; the Spirit, the great author of their regeneration, is his Spirit; and it is his image that is impressed upon them. When men made chapter and verse divisions, they did make mistakes. And the wall shall be built again in troublous times, and after the three score and two sevens shall the Messiah be cut off. Now, the Lord Jesus Christ looks at you in just the same way. (asham) (54) denotes both sin and the sacrifice which is offered for sin, and is often used in the latter sense in the Scriptures. "The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of his agonies.". Pause over the solemn words in the 1st, 2nd, 6th, and following verses. And are we ever in our right senses, brethren, till the Holy Spirit really brings us into them? never indulge the idea, that Jesus died to make the Father complacent towards us. If Christ had been at all under the law naturally, if it had been his duty to do what it is our duty to do, it is plain he could only have lived for himself; and if he had any sin of his own, he could only have died for himself, seeing his obligations to do and to suffer would have been his just due to the righteousness and the vengeance of God. On this I shall be very brief. "Now we are told in the gospel that they covered His face and they began to buffet Him. Jesus, as he looks upon them all, can say, "Behold, I make all things new." He who reads Christ's life, as a mere history, traces the death of Christ to the enmity of the Jews, and to the fickle character of the Roman governor. Now that scripture has been carelessly interpreted by many people as just lifting up Jesus. The reply was: "Indeed, you are right. Because these sorrows would result in the pardon and recovery of an innumerable multitude of lost sinners, and in their eternal happiness and salvation. Brenton's Septuagint (LXX) - Holy Name KJV LXX . So it seems this "version" of Isaiah 53:10 was generally well known and accepted. Christ comes at his glory by conquest. "He shall see his seed." Well, whoever wrote that chorus doesn't have a real understanding of scripture, because they have taken it out of its context. I do implore thee, sinner, come to Jesus! This was the promise made to Abraham (who herein was a type of Christ), that he should be the father of many nations and so be the heir of the world,Romans 4:13; Romans 4:17. We poor earthly pastors are of small use; but this great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, with an eye that never misses a single new-born lamb of grace what a mercy to have such a Shepherd to look after the whole flock!" Job)." By now, it should be clear that this chart is basically useless. The sufferer becomes the conqueror and receives a conquerors reward. Yet future, still bearing them; the marks of His love for you. There are many whom Christ justifies, not all (multitudes perish in their sins), yet many, even as many as he gave his life a ransom for, as many as the Lord our God shall call. This is the gate of entrance into discipleship. Add to this another matter; namely, that God has absolutely declared his displeasure against sin itself. He that wings an angel and guides a sparrow, he that protects the hairs of our head from falling prematurely to the ground, was not likely, when he took notice of such little things, to omit in his solemn decrees the greatest wonder of earth's miracles, the death of Christ. Take it as a standing miracle that there are any godly people on the face of the earth; for there would not be one were it not for the exertion of miraculous power. Will he not sing sweeter songs than ever came from martyr's lips? So cloth our prophet. 3 He was despised and was avoided by men, +. You may stifle this voice, if you will, but sometimes you will hear it; and terribly and decisively will it speak in your ears to say to you, "Yes, man, God must punish you; the Judge of all the earth cannot suffer you to go scot free." It is often rendered trespass-offering Leviticus 5:19; Leviticus 7:5; Leviticus 14:21; Leviticus 19:21; 1 Samuel 6:3, 1 Samuel 6:8, 1 Samuel 6:17). Isaiah 53:8). Even the Son of God stoopeth not to this burden uncalled. First it is traceable in decree. You are ignorant and unlettered, it may be, and your name will never shine in the roll of science, but he who is the divine Wisdom owns you as one of his seed. Isaiah 30:18 speaks of the compassion and mercy of God for his people. Best Top New Controversial Q&A . You know best, brothers and sisters, whether this is true of you; but if we have not the Spirit of Christ, we are none of his. "He shall see his seed." And sometimes the thought carries right through, so that in the dividing of the chapters, they should have ended chapter 52 with verse Isaiah 53:12 . Look at him, and mark if he be not man in soul as well as in body. Childrens children are the crown of old men Proverbs 17:6. Ar. In the Greek Septuagint we see the true reading of Isaiah 53:10. III. Missionaries attempt to prove that "Almah" means a "virgin" by referring to an ancient Greek translation of the Bible, called the Septuagint, which was carried out by 70 rabbis approximately 165 years before Jesus. He is the right person. and he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors ( Isaiah 53:11 ). Isa 3:10 . Piaculum committere means literally to commit a sacrifice, that is, to commit a crime for which a sacrifice is required. Ed. He is the Bridegroom, they make up the bride; and the bridegroom's joy is not in seeing his bride for once on the wedding-day, but he takes delight in her as long as they both live. To grief - "With affliction"] For hecheli, the verb, the construction of which seems to be hard and inelegant in this place, the Vulgate reads bocholi, in infirmitate, "with infirmity.". ". If you be destroyed, it shall be because you would not come to him that you might have life; because you would rebel against him; because sin from stern necessity did, as it were, compel the attribute of divine justice to kindle into vengeance, and to drive you from his presence for ever. May we put our hand upon the head of Christ Jesus; as we see him offered up upon the cross for guilty men, may we know that our sins are transferred to him, and may we be able to cry, in the ecstasy of faith, "Great God, I am clean; through Jesus' blood I am clean." And, mark, here is something substantial. And now to the text itself, with brevity. This answer left the questioner without reply. He has laid upon him heavy sufferings. (5.) God had planned it in order that He might demonstrate to you how much He loves you. He was despised, and we held him as of no account. The Lord enable you to believe in Jesus now, to take him now as a complete and finished salvation for you, though you may be the most sunken and abandoned and hopeless of all characters. A God bowing his head, and suffering and dying, in the person of manhood, puts such a singular efficacy into every groan and every pang that it needs not that his pangs should be eternal, or that he should die a second death. (Exodus 29:14; Ezekiel 45:22) (55) The sacrifice was offered in such a manner as to expiate sin by enduring its punishment and curse. "'Tis done the great transaction's done.". Beloved, we shall have many with us, whilst this morning we turn our face to the Mount of Calvary. The prey shall not be taken from the mighty; the lawful captive shall be delivered. I pray that it may be so. That the Lord bruised him, not only permitted men to bruise him, but awakened his own sword against him, Zechariah 13:7. It may be that that will be your first response when you see the marks of the suffering that He bore for you. It is no act of grace for a person to accept a pecuniary debt on my behalf of another person. 1. Isaiah 53:10New International Version. Now, such an atonement I despise I reject it. I give you the gospel without mutilating it, just as I get it in the gospel by Mark, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." Yet all this must be made true, and innumerable other absurdities, if universal redemption be asserted. This perception of redeeming love, in the death of our Lord Jesus, makes all the difference: this prepares us for a higher and a better life than we have ever known before. 2We brought a report as of a child before him; he is as a root in a thirsty land: he has no form nor comeliness; and we saw him, but he had no form nor beauty. Christ will have you, sinner, Christ will have you. On the way, that patriarch speaks not one solitary word to his son. Pray, ye who know how to pray, that this message may be made effective in the hand of God. Isaiah 53:10 (WYC) and the Lord would defoul him in sickness. The chastisement of our peace "The chastisement by which our peace is effected" - Twenty-one MSS. Herein was matchless, peerless love, that the offended judge should permit his co-equal Son to suffer the pains of death for the redemption of a rebellious people. II. He loves his people no less, and he could not love them any more, than when he died for them, and so for ever "he shall see his seed." Our Lord Jesus Christ does not look to-day on emptiness: he is not bereaved of his household, but still he sees his seed. This we must inherit, as a son follows his father's business. ], "The Old Testament testifies uniformly that the dead are alive, and in this sense it is no surprise to find the Servant alive after death. Now, my second point is, THAT POSTERITY OF HIS REMAINS. 'If he shall lay down his life for sin.' The Septuagint renders it in the plural, 'If you shall . "And I, if I be lifted up." According to the will of God because God loved us. (54) (asham) primarily signifies a trespass or offense, and secondarily a trespassoffering. i. 10The Lord also is pleased to purge him from his stroke. Jesus said, "You don't have any power except that which My Father gives you. Worldwide Delivery. The sufferings of Christ are signified by his being "bruised"; :-, and as it was foretold he should have his heel bruised by the serpent, Genesis 3:15, but here it is ascribed to the Lord: he was bruised in body, when buffeted and scourged, and nailed to the cross; and was bruised and broken in spirit, when the sins of his people were laid on him, and the wrath of God came upon him for them: the Lord had a hand in his sufferings; he not only permitted them, but they were according to the counsel of his will; they were predetermined by him, Acts 2:23, yea, they were pleasing to him, he took a kind of delight and pleasure in them; not in them simply considered as sufferings, but as they were an accomplishment of his purposes, a fulfilment of his covenant and promises, and of the prophecies in his word; and, particularly, as hereby the salvation of his people was brought about; see John 10:17: he hath put [him] to grief; when he awoke the sword of justice against him; when he spared him not, but delivered him up into the hands of wicked men, and unto death: he was put to grief in the garden, when his soul was exceeding sorrowful; and on the cross, when he was nailed to it, had the weight of his people's sins, and his Father's wrath, on him; and when he hid his face from him, which made him cry out, "my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Christian life needs to have daily the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We have sinned; we all like sheep have gone astray; and we must be punished for it. The Hebrew will bear either. We read just now that the Lord Jesus has disciples. That is, with His face covered they began to hit Him. They are enough to kill all hope of better things. Such language is never applied to martyrs in the Bible; such language is never applied to them in the common discourses of people. The death-knell of the penalty rings in the dying words of the Saviour, "It is finished." Is there not enough there to satisfy God? I go not beyond the limit which this word allows me, nay, I have scarcely come up to the edge of it. He sees their hopes, their desires, their aspirations; and he often takes the will for the deed, and marks that for a beauty which now may be half-developed, and therefore not all we could wish it to be. But there is a caveat. Never imagine, oh! And now, in his name, oh that I could do it with his voice and with his love and with his fervor! In what sense could it be said of Ignatius or Cranmer that their souls or lives were made an offering ( 'asham or hilasmos) for sin? Here our living hopes take their foundation. He saw they were necessary, and he was willing that he should be subjected to them. [10] Hebrew though you make [11] Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light [of life]. The Septuagint Version . Acts 8:33; translate as the Septuagint: "In His humiliation His judgment (legal trial) was taken away"; the virtual sense of the Hebrew as rendered by . It says, "He shall see his seed." It was a great aggravation of his sufferings that he was numbered with transgressors, that he was not only condemned as a malefactor, but executed in company with two notorious malefactors, and he in the midst, as if he had been the worst of the three, in which circumstance of his suffering, the evangelist tells us, this prophecy was fulfilled, Mark 15:27; Mark 15:28. If he putteth his life for sin, he shall see (his) seed long enduring, and the will of the Lord shall be (ad)dressed in his hand. For one who was indeed put to death, this is undeniably a prophecy of his resurrection from the dead. For that's the effect of sin. What thinkest thou, man? Sinner, God will never destroy you merely to maintain his government, or for the good of others. God's living children may not seem to be quite so handsome, nor so charmingly arrayed as you are, and in their own esteem they may not be worthy to consort with you; but there is a solemn difference between the living child and the dead child, however you may try to conceal it. Pardon, full and free, is now presented in the name of Jesus, proclaimed to every creature under heaven, for sins past, for sins present, and for sins to come; for blasphemies and murders; for drunkenness and whoredom; for all manner of sin under heaven. . because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Oh," says one, "you mean that the Baptists ought to get together!" Given the explicit mention of death in Isaiah 53:9 and the fact that his life is a sacrificial offering in Isaiah 53:10, we are not speaking here of a metaphorical . But He was forsaken of God in order that you won't have to be forsaken by God. May he now be found of them who sought not for him, and he shall have the glory, world without end. But the Lord was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand. And when we speak of the Saviour of the world, we must always include in that word, if we speak in a large sense, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, for all these three, as one God, do save us from our sins. "He was numbered with the transgressors and made intercession for the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12). How no rags of yours are wanted; not a stitch of yours is needed to perfect what Christ has done. I. Faith is the knowledge of Christ, and without knowledge there can be no true faith. Do you ask for a proof of this? He steps upon the fagots; the chain is put about his middle; and after a brief word of prayer, as soon as the fire begins to ascend, he speaks to the people with manful boldness. Because he stood in our room, and in no other way than by his death could the justice of God be satisfied. Though he died, he rose again, and left not his children orphans, but took effectual care to secure to them the spirit, the blessing, and the inheritance of sons. 1O Lord, who has believed our report? Just as people were startled at the sight of the servants great sufferings, so will they be startled at the sight of his great glory. But not for Himself, but for the people" ( Daniel 9:25-26 ). 'Tis manhood suffering there; 'tis the Church suffering there, in the substitute. 12Therefore he shall inherit many, and he shall divide the spoils of the mighty; because his soul was delivered to death: and he was numbered among the transgressors; and he bore the sins of many, and was delivered because of their iniquities. A man who was meant for h pains and was familiar with sickness. "Who shall say it was due to the Divine Father that Christ should be nailed to the accursed tree, to suffer, bleed, and die, and then be cast into the grave? Wisdom stepped in, and said, "It shall be done thus;" and Love agreed with Wisdom. Why, then, are not all saved? And I suppose he was just as surprised to see me and to see what I look like.So we have in our mind sort of a mental image of what Jesus is going to look like and we sort of imagine just being enthralled with the physical beauty of Christ. If a man be condemned to be imprisoned, there is no law, there is no justice which can compel the lawgiver to accept a substitute for him. That knowledge of Christ, and that faith in him, by which we are justified, have reference to him both as a servant to God and as a surety for us. We are his seed. The Spirit of God works the new birth in his own way, but he works according to the gospel. The first thought suggested by this text is, that Jesus is still alive; for to see anything is the act of a living person. It wants no eking out. I recollect how I used to turn to that boy of Brentford, who was first beaten with rods, and afterwards tied to the stake, cheerfully to burn for Christ's sake. The word hand often denotes ministry, as the Lord proclaimed the law by the hand of Moses. (Numbers 36:13) Again, the Lord did this by the hands of David; that is, he made use of David as his minister in that matter. Look upon the whole transaction of a substitute, and of Christ becoming the second Adam, as being a matter of pure, rich, free, sovereign grace, and never indulge the atrocious thought, I pray you, that there was justice, and justice only here; but do magnify the love and pity of God in that he did devise and accomplish the great plan of salvation by an atoning sacrifice. The scripture nowhere says that Christ is his sufferings underwent the wrath of God; but it says here, (1.) But Christ shall ell joy the society of his children; for he shall not die like other men, but shall obtain eternal life in himself and his children. I have to observe upon it, first, that Christ's death produced a posterity. Now when John was in heaven and he saw the scroll in the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne, and he heard the angel proclaim with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to take the scroll and loose the seals?" But, nevertheless, God is patient, longsuffering, and gracious. This last stanza makes the worldwide success of Christ the marvel of all ages. Picture another scene. It was as if his face were hidden from us. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." It was so horrible. They hurry from the house silently and noiselessly, before the mother is awake. In order to understand this better, we must first know that we are guilty before God, so that we may be accursed and detestable in his presence. Now, this is a foul libel upon the fair and glorious grace of God the Father, to whom for ever be honor: for Jesus Christ did not die to make God loving, but he died because God was loving. But now to go a step further, and with as much brevity as possible. We hinted that from the dignity of his person the pains he suffered were a good and sufficient equivalent for our own suffering on account of sin. Here is love indeed; and here we see how it was, that it pleased the Father to bruise him. He turns to some who look upon him, and exclaims, "I value these iron chains far more than if they had been of gold; it is a sweet thing to die for Christ. III. Jesus is no longer dead. I want even you, who do not know him, to remember that he lives, that you may seek him to-night that ere another sun shall rise you may find him, and, finding him, may yourselves be found, and saved. O sirs, it is contrary to fact. They are the ones who have turned away from God and they are the ones for whom the servant dies. Brenton's Septuagint Isaiah 53:10. When you pass through the gates of the grave, you go there solitary and alone; you are not the representative of a body of men, but you pass through the gates of death as an individual; but, remember, when Christ went through the sufferings of death, he was the representative Head of all his people. But the Father gives the Son. Both Jews and Gentiles knew pretty well what an offering for sin meant. Let this, then, be fully established in our minds. His grace ultimately comes through Jesus Christ, Messiah. Oh! As he was the root of the Jewish church, and the covenant was made with him and his seed, so is Christ of the universal church and with him and his spiritual seed is the covenant of grace made, which is grounded upon and grafted in the covenant of redemption, which here we have some of the glorious promises of. Oh, but the joy we shall have in being there the delight in beholding his face; yet, if all our joys are put together, they will not equal the joy that he will have when he finds them all there for whom he shed his blood all whom the Father gave him all who gave themselves to him all who were born as his seed not one lost! And that's why so many marriages are miserable, because the person has married the face but there's nothing behind the face. With them length of days and a numerous posterity were regarded as the highest favors, and usually as the clearest proofs of the divine love. All this is found in the sin-offering; for thou needest not find it. "He that believeth on him is not condemned;" "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." The first drops of that living spring, the whole outcome of the spring, and the spring itself, came from him. That seems to me to be clear from the indefiniteness of the text. The first is that the nations are startled. Added to the exaltation prophesied in the first stanza, the eternity of The Lord Jesus Christ is clearly visible. I may be called Antinomian or Calvinist for preaching a limited atonement; but I had rather believe a limited atonement that is efficacious for all men for whom it was intended, than an universal atonement that is not efficacious for anybody, except the will of man be joined with it. Isaiah 53:10 . So often we have in our minds sort of a mental picture of what a person may look like. And if sin deserve not to be punished, what is Tophet but injustice on a monstrous scale? Distulit in seram commissa piacula mortem, Virg. You will have enough if you only read Foxe's "Book of Martyrs." Our Lord Jesus was in travail of soul for our redemption and salvation, in great pain, but with longing desire to be delivered, and all the pains and throes he underwent were in order to it and hastened it on. So you call up and you make a date. In trying now to expound the doctrine of Christ's being an offering for sin, we will begin by laying down one great axiom; which is, that SIN DESERVES AND DEMANDS PUNISHMENT. This prophecy was fulfilled by the Saviour himself when he prayed for those who nailed him to the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). (6.) Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, took upon himself the form of man, and offered unto Divine Justice that which was accepted as an equivalent for the punishment due to all his people. In his whole life he was numbered among the transgressors; for he was called and accounted a sabbath-breaker, a drunkard, and a friend to publicans and sinners. You guys that watch the Monday night football, you know that. 5 Assyria, the rod of hypocrites, for his pride shall be broken. You have, shall I say? I wish to-night that I had power to deal with this doctrine as I would. And you say, "Did Christ drink it all to its dregs?" See also. You see, without any children, who's going to declare His generation? The third morning came, and the conqueror, rising from his sleep burst the iron bonds of death, and came forth from his prison house, no more to die. No; the blood-stained page of that book, the page which makes both past and future glorious with golden words, that blood-stained page, I say, was as much written of Jehovah, as any other. Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed to take the scroll and to loose the seals." Throughout the New Testament the salvation of men is uniformly attributed to the death of Christ. Alas, the old nature blots and blurs the resemblance! The ram caught in the thicket supplies the substitute, and faith's obedience need go no further. If I am to be damned for the sake of other people, I demur to it. +. God knew it. (2.) "God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." What God designed for the Redeemer he shall certainly gain the possession of: "I will divide it to him," and immediately it follows, He shall divide it, notwithstanding the opposition that is given to him; for, as Christ finished the work that was given him to do, so God completed the recompence that was promised him for it; for he is both able and faithful. O thou who feelest in thine own body the effect of thy sin, till thou art loathing thyself, and wishing thou hadst never been born perhaps thou sayest, like John Bunyan, "Oh that I had been a frog, or a toad, or a snake, sooner than have been a man, to have fallen into such sin, and to have become so foul!" It is not as if Christ had put so much into the scale and it was quivering in the balance; but your sins, for all their gravity, utterly ceased their pressure through the tremendous weight of his atonement. And yet, it is interesting how so often today we only associate love with physical attraction, and not with the person themselves. He determined that Christ should be born of the Virgin Mary, that he should suffer under Pontius Pilate, that he should descend into Hades, that thence he should rise again, leading captivity captive, and then should reign for ever at the right hand of the Majesty on high. It was a great commendation of his sufferings, and redounded very much to his honour, that in his sufferings he made intercession for the transgressors, for those that reviled and crucified him; for he prayed, Father, forgive them, thereby showing, not only that he forgave them, but that he was now doing that upon which their forgiveness, and the forgiveness of all other transgressors, were to be founded. The same mischievous experiment is being tried now, and there will be the same result; for the living Christ is still to the front. When they come to the river which divides them from the celestial country, "he shall see his seed." But here the curtain falls. God's purposes shall take effect, and not one iota or tittle of them shall fail. 11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Some are seeking; they have hardly found; they are longing; they have scarcely realized the way of faith. Look at him: look at his rags; how foul they are! Do you want salvation? He was oppressed, he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth ( Isaiah 53:7 ): You remember before Pilate, Pilate marvelled that He didn't answer. Impossible! Hark! Our Lord shall see his seed on the conquering hand yet. Christ came not into this world unsent. I do implore you, do not look upon the sacrifice of Christ as an act of mere vengeance on the Father's part. And, you that are not among his seed, see where you are! Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him - In this verse, the prediction respecting the final glory and triumph of the Messiah commences. He has vanquished principalities and powers, sin and Satan, death and hell, the world and the flesh; these are the strong that he has disarmed and taken the spoil of. An offering for sin - ( 'asham). 10 The Lord also is pleased to purge him from his stroke. ALL of these three . 1869 Interesting prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. That's sheer unscriptural idiocy. The Son of God faints beneath a cross that many a criminal might have carried. Mark the serenity of the martyrs countenance. One effect of Christ's death is the salvation of multitudes. Do not try to live without the living, loving Friend of sinners. glorious doctrine! But, my brothers, he is not dead. In the law of Moses it is technically used to designate a certain kind of sacrifice, nearly allied to the (hattath) or sinoffering, and yet very carefully distinguished from it, although etymologists have never yet been able to determine the precise distinction, and a learned modern Rabbi, Samuel Luzzatto, expresses his conviction that they differed only in the mode of offering the blood. And, thirdly and lastly, that posterity is under his immediate eye at all times, for "He shall see his seed." Let him have this, and he has enough. He didn't know what he had on his hands and he did his best to free Him. But then it follows, if we are thus of a seed, that we ought to be united, and love each other more and more. We would not touch them with a pair of tongs! He subjected himself to that which to us is the wages of sin (Isaiah 53:12; Isaiah 53:12): He has poured out his soul unto death, poured it out as water, so little account did he make of it, when the laying of it down was the appointed means of our redemption and salvation. For this purpose he became man, of the substance of his mother, very man, such a man as any of us. Men die and leave their children, and they see not their seed; Christ lives, and every day sees his seed brought into the unity of the faith. Come, and see how he loved us, see what he did for us. And now, beloved, if by his death we have become his seed (and I think I speak at this time to many who can truly say they hope that it is so with them), then let us consider the fact for a minute. Are you a sinner? He bore our griefs, and he carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. I hope soon to be lifting up my voice again. Of Old Testament prophecies of the birth of the Messiah, among the most famous and well-known (in part because Handel included its words in his magnum opus, "The Messiah") is Isaiah 9:6, 7 (numbered 9:5, 6 in the Masoretic Hebrew text, the Septuagint Greek version and in German and some other translations). Isaiah 53:10 CSB. That lip is not fit to kiss; those filthy lips cannot be permitted to touch that holy cheek of the glorious Father! 1. It is, at present, the caricature of a virtue; but it is well meant, and will come right, and the Lord sees it as it will be, and he rejoices in it. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he poured out his soul unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors: yet he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.". 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? This is a non-controversial point that basically any scholar, including . he is fresh from the swine-trough! His fellow citizens are just as heartless, and show no concern that he suffers death unjustly. If any person think that this language is harsh and disrespectful to Christ, let him descend into himself, and, after a close examination, let him ponder how dreadful is the judgment of God, which could not be pacified but by this price; and thus the inestimable grace which shines forth in making Christ accursed will easily remove every ground of offense. Shall go on in a state of progressive prosperity; and so completely has this been thus far accomplished, that every succeeding century has witnessed more Christianity in the world than the preceding, or any former one. That the Redeemer shall have a seed to serve him and to bear up his name, Psalms 22:30. We have sure and infallible proofs of it. Ye have no need of shillings to pay the priests; nor is baptismal water wanted to erect the pardon: there is no willing, doing, being, or suffering of yours required to complete the task. He promises to make his soul an offering for sin, consents that the Father shall deliver him up, and undertakes to bear the sin of many, in consideration of which the Father promises to glorify him, not only with the glory he had, as God, before the world was (John 17:5), but with the glories of the Mediator. You don't get the full brunt of it. But what a seed he will have to see in the morning! We dare not impute to God the sin, but at the same time the fact, with all its marvelous effects in the world's redemption, we must ever trace to the Sacred Fountain of divine love. If thou wilt perish, it is not for want of earnest pleading with thee. And if now you can say. Isaiah 53:10 Hebrew though you make; Isaiah 53:11 Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light of life. Tomorrow is my wedding-day, the day for which I have long panted, when I shall sign the testimony of my life by a glorious deaths." Trust Christ implicitly trust Christ; and all that he did shall cover you, while all that he suffered shall cleanse you. [i] His thoughts on these difficulties can be summarized in the following three points: The servant is never specifically identified. This allows me to push my text just one point further. As one that has undertaken for us. A price is paid for all, yet few delivered; the redemption of all consummated, yet, few of them redeemed; the judge satisfied, the jailer conquered, and yet the prisoners inthralled! He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied ( Isaiah 53:10-11 ): That is, He travailed in order that you might be born again. The most scrupulous care was taken that it should be altogether without blemish; for this idea was always connected with a sin-offering, that it must be sinless in itself; and being without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, it was held to be a competent victim to take the offender's place. 7 And he, because of his affliction, opens not his mouth: he was . But hark! It is a common saying with the opponents of the old faith, that Mr. Spurgeon is a "pessimist," and takes gloomy views of things. Now Isaiah begins to prophesy here concerning God's servant that was to come. This cannot be accomplished by sacrifices contrived according to the fancy of men. If you have a desire to be saved, a desire given you by the Holy Spirit, that desire is a token for good. Sin must be punished. You hear no shout of exultation. But if one reads each passage in Greek, light bulbs start turning on. In Gods case, if he had said in the infinite sovereignty of his absolute will, "I will have no substitute, but each man shall suffer for himself, he who sinneth shall die," none could have murmured. [11] Or (with Masoretic Text) [11] He will see the result of the suffering of his soul and be satisfied [11] Or by knowledge of him Masoretic Text. Why, sir, it seems a marvel to me that I am out of hell, and Wesley's hymn is often on my lips, 'Tell it unto sinners, tell, I am, I am out of hell. Why his seed? "Well, but what, in the name of goodness, do you want to see him burnt for? Handle him, and see if he be not flesh and bones. Yes, bless his name, when he died he did not end his life. In connection with this it should be remembered that all history falls into A.D. and B.C, and that more great and beautiful buildings have been constructed and dedicated to his glory in a single century than were ever erected and dedicated to all the kings and potentates who ever lived in the previous millenniums of human history, etc. I believe the Christ will come in to see all his beloved purchased ones; and he will search to see whether we are all there. And God cries out. All of them fulfilled through the death of Jesus Christ. They were all persuaded that he had really died. Christ having died for us, we came into another relation to justice, and it became possible for us to be regenerated, and brought into the household of God. That which he purchased for us by his death, he lives to secure for us by his life. 8In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: who shall declare his generation? He shall see his seed, number his followers in the countless millions; he shall prolong his days, be raised from the dead; the pleasure of Jehovah shall prosper in his hand, 1e., righteousness shall prosper in the world; he shall justify many, 1e., countless millions shall be saved from their sins through him; I will divide him a portion with the great, Jesus Christ shall attain worldwide and perpetual "greatness." They liken him to a small plant growing in dry and infertile ground - so different from the magnificent trees that stand majestically in the tall forests. There is one great event, which every day attracts more admiration than do the sun, and moon, and stars, when they march in their courses. However, many times they made the divisions in the wrong place, and in our reading we are prone to read to an end of a chapter and then quit until the next reading. He lives, he feels, he sympathizes, he looks on, he is ready to help, he will help you even now. That his great undertaking shall be successful and shall answer expectation: The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. Secondly, that posterity remains. He suffered so much for our redemption, that he must love us. Tell them in hell that they are not punished for sin, and you have taken away the very sting of their punishment. If God's appointed Christ could suffer in thy stead, is it not enough? but the great arms of the Eternal Father are ready to save you as you are, because the great work of Christ has effected all that is wanted before God for the acceptance of the vilest sinner. Thus have I expounded the first part of the subject the origin of our Saviour's worst sufferings, the Father's pleasure. I hear a great talk about the example of Christ having great effect upon ungodly men; but I do not believe it, and certainly have never seen it. You see, God created man in the beginning for fellowship. If you make a sin offering , our soul will see long-lived offspring, and the Lord is willing to remove him from the . I'm guilty! Kings shall shut their mouths at Him; For what had not been told them . You just sort of cringe at it. Let every sinner here who desires something stable to fix his faith upon, listen to these simple truths, which I am trying to put as plainly as possible. Right? Certainly it is so. Nothing can be more untrue; and this sermon may help to show that I am full of hope and confidence. Pardon takes away our filth, but then it leaves us naked; justification puts a royal robe upon us. What do You say for Yourself?" Thus the whole passage will be connected, and it will be regarded as the assurance of Yahweh himself, that when his life should be made a sacrifice for sin, he would see a great multitude who should be saved as the result of his sufferings and death. Dost thou see him in proper flesh and blood fastened to that tree? "To learn the way!" When you can see nothing, and the brain begins to reel, and thought and memory flee, he sees his seed. Because the Messiah had voluntarily submitted himself to those sorrows which were necessary to show the evil of sin; and in view of the great object to be gained, the eternal redemption of his people, he was pleased that he would subject himself to so great sorrows to save them. And yet, without seeing the physical person, it is possible to be in love with an individual and yet not be physically attracted. It is a sharp sword with two edges, if it be preached as it was delivered at the first. Well, ask this man, who is now really in the possession of his true senses, whether he believes that sin deserves punishment; and his answer will be quick, sharp, and decisive. They claim that in Isaiah 7:14 the word "Almah" is translated as the Greek "parthenos" which they claim means virgin. Isaiah 53:11. Stern as fate, and fast as immutability, is the truth that I must be just. Even if they go to bed in the dark, they fall asleep the sooner; but in either case, their Lord will see them if they cannot see him. The Septuagint - the translation of the Old Testament into Greek originally made a few centuries before Jesus - has "startle." . "He shall be exalted and lifted up, and be very high.". Do not imagine that we preach a gospel in this place for respectable, godly people. The Fourth Servant Song Septuagint: Journal 2.53 discusses the Septuagint report of Isaiah 53:10-12.. [2.] Out of the land of the living. A mere man could at most only substitute for one other man. There is a passage in Jeremiah, the forty-fourth chapter and the fourth verse, where he calls it "That abominable thing which I hate." He shall see a great increase of them; the word is plural, He shall see his seeds, multitudes of them, so many that they cannot be numbered. Can it possibly be conceived that there should be a redemption of men, and those men not redeemed? He stands alone as the only One who has fulfilled these things. If there is anything in them which deserves reward, rest assured he will not rob them of it; and, on the other hand, he will do the right thing with those who have offended, and if they deserve punishment, it is according to the nature and character of a just and holy God that punishment should be inflicted. That would be true; but the text prefers to say he has a seed. He submitted to the frowns of Heaven (Isaiah 53:10; Isaiah 53:10): Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him, to put him to pain, or torment, or grief. One hundred years ago or so, throughout the most of our Dissenting churches, a sort of Unitarianism was triumphant. Nay, the vilest malefactor of all, Barabbas, who was a traitor, a thief, and a murderer, was put in election with him for the favour of the people, and carried it; for they would not have Jesus released, but Barabbas. I may perhaps forget myself; I may run into sin and I may perish. The stream that flowed from his side on Calvary shall cleanse the world from all its blackness. Confessors of old cried not so, when they came to die. Who shall venture to say that the Divine Lord, amidst the glories of heaven, owed to his father anything? [Note: Archer, p. So as many as saw Him were astonished. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when he shall make his soul an offering for sin ( Isaiah 53:9-10 ). Whatever is undertaken according to God's pleasure shall prosper, Isaiah 46:10; Isaiah 46:10. Why through his death principally? We could not put him in our stead, but he put himself, and said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit, in a higher sense than David said, or could say it. Christ was so perfectly well qualified for his undertaking, and prosecuted it with so much vigour, and it was from first to last so well devised, that it could not fail to prosper, to the honour of his Father and the salvation of all his seed. "When we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.". We are naturally sold under sin, and we cannot discern the spiritual and real Christ until we have a spirit created within us by the new birth, of which he said, "Ye must be born again." But perhaps the Lord still bears the marks of His suffering for you. Our text gives this a full solution, in that it says, "He shall make his soul an offering for sin." If there be a universal redemption of all, then all men are redeemed. And that's rather tragic. And here in Isaiah, outstanding example of clear-cut prophecy. There are the Father's arms, and here are you, a black sinner to-night. - Isaiah 53 in the Septuagint (X-post from /r/OrthodoxChristianity) Christ's children have a living Father, and because he lives they shall live also, for he is their life. Any fool might know that God would accept a perfect man. Surely, children are like their father not all to the same degree; but still there is the evidence of their sonship in their likeness to him from whom they came. Now, we begin by opposing all this, and asserting, and we believe we have God's warrant of it, that sin intrinsically and in itself demands and deserves the just anger of God, and that that anger should be displayed in the form of a punishment. Look ye! I do not mean anything of the kind. (5.) He shall see it when it is accomplished in the conversion and salvation of poor sinners. and consider the unexampled love which shines in Christ's gift of himself. And when he has brought a sin-offering, he shall see a numerous posterity, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper through him. The Lord was pleased with his sufferings, not because he has delight in the sufferings of innocence; not because the sufferer was in any sense guilty or ill-deserving; and not because he was at any time displeased or dissatisfied with what the Mediator did, or taught. 2. Absurd! He loved not his life unto the death, and his followers, the martyrs, did likewise, Revelation 12:11. Just as many were astonished at you, So His visagewas marred more than any man, And His form more than the sons of men; So shall He sprinkle many nations. Put your hand in My side." He substituted himself in the room of sinners, as a sacrifice. Man may put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter; darkness for light, and light for darkness; but this follows him as a dog at the heels of its master, a sense that virtue should be rewarded, and that sin must be punished. There may be emphasis on the word see - he shall see his posterity, for it was regarded as a blessing not only to have posterity, but to be permitted to live and see them. The truth will conquer, for God makes it his banner, and his holy arm upholds it; but the end is not yet, unless, indeed, our Lord should suddenly appear. Worldliness has gone a long way to destroy the church of God. And that's when you get laid out of the game. They esteemed him smitten of God for some very great sin of his own (Isaiah 53:4; Isaiah 53:4); now it was true that he was smitten of God, but it was for our sin; the Lord bruised him, for he did not spare him, but delivered him up for us all,Romans 8:32. Oh! Thus much on our first point. His ascension in stately pomp, amidst the acclamations of angels, to the enjoyment of his Father's continued smile, is the sure proof that the work is complete. What multitudes of men lift up their eyes, and behold the starry orbs of heaven! "He is my righteous servant, and as such justifies men." II. It only proves I may be saved if I mind what I am after. We have seen how fit and proper a person he was to be such. Crying out the twenty-second psalm, and in the verse Isaiah 53:3 the answer is given, "For Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Thy people." He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? I do not know you, but it may be you have trodden the pavements, or you have gone further than that, and added drunkenness to shame; you have gone to the lowest vice, perhaps to robbery, who knoweth what manner of person may step into this place? Why did God provide a sin-offering but for sinners? It sometimes denotes the rational soul, regarded as the seat of affections and emotions of various kinds Genesis 34:3; Psalms 86:4; Isaiah 15:4; Isaiah 42:1; Song of Solomon 1:7; Song of Solomon 3:1-4. The sufferings of Christ are signified by his being "bruised"; ( See Gill on Isaiah 53:5 ), and as it was foretold he should have his heel bruised by the serpent, ( Genesis 3:15 ) , but here it is ascribed to the Lord: he was . Because face it, the majority of the people are ugly. . We do not read here that the Lord Christ has followers. . It does not say that he shall see his seed for so long, and then no longer; but it stands as a prophecy fulfilled, always fulfilling, and always to be fulfilled: "He shall see his seed." Do you suppose he would have ascended to the rest and to the reward of an accomplished work? God forsook His Son when your sin was placed upon Him. Rather than dying childless, Yahweh would bless the Servant with many spiritual children, future believers (cf. But a little further, Christ's coming into the world to die was the effect of the Father's will and pleasure. According to the Letter of Aristeas, at least 72 scholars at Alexandria translated the Hebrew Bible, . Almighty love will have you. He made it to be in us a well of water springing up. Persons come into the church with a profession which they never carry out. And he bore our pains. Therefore [the Father says] will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong ( Isaiah 53:12 ); "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and if sons, then heirs, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ" ( Romans 8:16-17 ), as He divides the spoil with the strong. O! IV. For Easter, therefore, I want to focus on three textual problems in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 or what is called Isaiah's "Fourth Servant Song" (the other three are 42:1-4, 49:1-6, and 50:4-9) to show that this text teaches and predicts the vicarious death, burial, and resurrection of the Servant, three key pillars to the gospel of Christ .