The New Covenant began when Jesus offered His perfect precious blood in the heavenly Tabernackle for OUR eternal redemption!!!!! Shalom in the love of JESUS {YEHOSHUA}! Though what I find most interesting is his definition of religion. They state: "Our obedience is the evidence and substance of our faith.". So Ill trust Jesuss straightforward words above what people who dont understand Paul claim Paul says and then build doctrines around Pauls words that contradict Jesus himself. There is something called the Hebrew Roots movement which is where their basic tenets come from, but the Hebrew Roots people condemn rigid adherence in favor of love (in say a husband-wife relationship where one believe in Hebrew Roots movement & the believes in more mainline Christianitythey say, let the beliefs/practices take a back seat to the relationship.) That desire in your heart and spirit should be there. If the Architect is also the owner of the building, there are 3 stages. Jesus NC blood was offered in heavens Temple for all sin ever committed. 11 (10) You are to stone him to death; because he has tried to draw you away from ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of a life of slavery. This has been true since Adam. This is the latter! Without that, the traditional and largely Catholic and anti-semitic interpretation of the NT falls short in accuracy. The simple reality of the matter is: can you absolutely affirm which denomination/church/Christianity is the correct path to follow? Sounds more like the Pope and the Catholic church to me (having been there half my life before studying Scripture.). Paul didnt die for you. 2. to consummate: a number Paul before his death even plainly over and over said no, the laws are not done away with, the same ones you are blaming me on trial for. I am sorry about your experience with the Roman Catholic Church. And as he states in Malachi, He HATES divorce! What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. So far, Hes doing that. test everything, hold onto what is good - 1 Thessalonians 5:21. This is not the will of the father and he wants his people to desire to keep his word and commandments not feel as if they have to or because it makes you look good and holy. If you are following the patterns of the Mosaic Law, then are you are building your own set of laws much like the Pharisees did? Blogs such as this just support my conclusion. As a case in point, my familys freedom story can be summed up like this: we were raised in charismatic denominations and were christians (one PK, BC) for 25+ years, left church 5 years ago (always hated it); about 6 months ago, the wife asked why we follow some commands and reject others (OT); then we Googled christian doctrines, etc and stumbled upon several pagan-christianity documentaries (some secular, some christian) and we literally went from absolutely loving christmas and easter to abhorring them practically overnight. 2. Thank you for your clarification. high priest give sacrifices for their sins CONTINUOUSLYyear after year.Yahshua/Jesus did it ONCE AND FOR ALL.HALLELUJAH. Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced? By the way, I doubt that the Leviticus 18:18 argument is even original to you. I dont see where Ive called names in my speech but if you would let me know that would be helpful. I dont think Protestants are willing to accept just how much Rome tampered with Scripture and its original context in placing the teachings of Paul over those of Christ Himself. I, too, follow Yehoshua, and He is my Lord and Savior. and he concludes that whole talk with 48 Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. If believers in Yeshua would only ask the Holy Spirit to open their eyes so that they could indeed see that the Bible is one huge, perfectly synchronized and combined story of redemption for all who choose to believe and obey Yahweh the way He asked us to. Do you defend 119 Ministries teaching entitled Dont be Under the Law to be truth? Despite the fact he only said it once, doesnt make it any less valid. Whats wrong with keeping feasts, keeping the individual tenants of Torah? Gods overarching law is love, first for our God and creator, then to His created man. Ill pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that he will not be deceived. When I was a young man, another man owed me money and said he was ready to pay. Remember that WE broke Gods laws and instructions / WE are the sinners, not YHWH. Certainly, all of Gods word is truth! The domination of the Romans and Greeks took over and their antisemitic views hijacked Christianity.. Im sorry that I sound arrogant & demeaning. 119 Ministries has fallen so far. I am too busy nor do I have the money for expensive shofar s and no time for festivals people here are dead eternally and overseas people are hungry both spiritually and physically. You choose to punish anyone that does not swallow the rhetoric and not be just like you or your congregational system. ALL TO GODS GLORY!!!! the only thing it makes you is someone who Loves Yehovah our Father and desires to walk after his path of righteousness. What Moses preached in the wilderness was the good news that God would cause Israel to be scattered and Judah would then be scattered but her would provide a way to reconcile his people, not replace them. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Israels disobedience; 31 so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive Gods mercy. First, though, begin walking in the grace you have been offered. Well we did this and ran into protestants who said we were going to hell because we were going back under the law. It seems so, or maybe hes in none of these 33,000 denominations. Sadly, this is the very thing that is hard to comprehend by those whove not yet experienced just HOW much deeper, fuller and more accurately they might understand the NT WHEN they finally grasp the OT properly. Stop wasting your time with your opinions, especially negative and read and GOOGLE things, look for other believers (That one is tough atleast where I live). I have been guilty of this in my zeal after I have been lead to walk in the steps of our Master. We have eternal life with/through Him. Its not a westernized book that you read like any other. For others, they are family, friends, or acquaintances. What did Jesus say? It is a blueprint for moral living! Every word equates to His plan for freedom for all who choose Him. Check Jeremiah for that answer. Names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our nation. I appreciate your thoughts and lack of name calling as is the habit of some who stop by this site. They, like many still IN Christianity or those who left Christianity completely are angry at being lied to in various ways (notice I didnt say all ways) for most of their lives. Pentecostal Pastors, & people *just move* to another sleepy, apathetic low to ground system, No fruit, still under the natural man curses. Truth is very important to them, as it should be to all believers. Youre welcome to use any of this material to help your friend. I appreciate that 119 Ministries provides transcripts. I would say that every one of you is involved in a cult. I can name numerous false teachers who are catholic, protestant, hebrew, etc from all denominations, so does that mean everyone is wrong? That means, unarguably, that the moon determines the weekly sabbath, not a manmade Roman calendar invented AFTER the life, death and resurrection of Yahushua. It behooves you to give THIS JESUS your heart sou and mind. What?!?!?!?! We can get a following like many of the popular televangelist but when is the last time you heard disciples warned to count the cost of love . The concluding statement basically says we are under the law of God. Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here. Just look at PURE Scripture. I follow Yahusha. Sean, what do you think of this teaching? All these teachings take us deeper into the fundamental moral law of YHVH. I would trust the Holy Spirit would show you the same if you were searching to know. This is what happened at Sinai. We need to use some common sense!! Jesus said much more to his disciples. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them by contacting 119 Ministries at 4 They tie heavy loads onto peoples shoulders but wont lift a finger to help carry them. Then Jesus goes into a diatribe of exposing the surface understanding of the Torah (instructions in righteousness). Where does it say in the scriptures you should disobey YHWY to please your family. Different altogether. Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace. What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! He actually divorced the 10 tribes who disobeyed by doing this very same thing! 119 ministries is correct, the law of Torah 100% needs to be followed by believers today. He didnt fulfill even a quarter of the messianic prophecies. Centuries of anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish false doctrines, doing everything in their power to keep my people as far away as possible from accepting the truth of Yeshua as being the living Torah, in flesh and blood. Yes Sean ..I do not know ..I believe . When we search the scriptures we see evidence of Gods law prior to mount Sinai for example the offering to God by Cain & Able (Able gave a lamb the Passover lamb), the sin of adultery, etc. But I must say, I read Scripture and it doesnt say what you say it says. It is our desire to receive no attention or notoriety. If I am wrong, then show me. It was stated in a conversation with a desperate Canaanite (non-Jew) woman who begged of Jesus the healing of her demon-possessed daughter. You can not deny that Sunday worship is an institution of man, for God calls the seventh day of the week the Sabbath, all you need to do is look at your calendar, mine says that is Saturday! You search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of me.? This is perhaps one of the more brilliant deceptions written by 119 Ministries. In fact if you were to read these you would think you are reading quotes from Paul recorded in these epistles to the different Churches. In this respect, 119 Ministries still has a leg to stand on while youre kicking them in the shin. I appreciate your comment. God Himself declares the timing and intention of the new covenant. So same brushstroke just for HR people? 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. However, it can be summed up in a couple words. Frankly, I find Christianity totally confusing. P.S. the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? Also, please note that Rav Kefa (Peter) was referring to the Tanakh (OT) when he mentioned the other Scriptures. To assert a claim that the Hebrew Calander may not be correct because the Babylonian deity names are contained in the calendar only is like saying you worship the sun god because you assemble on Sunday as a group to worship. If any man thinks he knows anything , he knows nothing as he ought yet . I was so strongly convicted I knew for sure that this was from the Holy Spirit, as I couldnt open my Bible until I had repented and prayed for 3 days! Oh and those dietary things Ya we dont have to do that well because, this was only for the Jews Oh and Israel, oh and the Nations that follow after one true God.. **THE BOOK OF HEBREWS needs to be read very carefully along with a few different concordances. Jesus didnt teach anything different than what God already implement other than showing and living that Gods ways were ENOUGH and that the extra laws added by certain rabbinical leaders (one group of Pharisees) were a burden to the people their vain traditions Jesus chastised them for. -John 10:16 I have found Jon Sherman to be a committed man of God; one who boldly speaks the truth of Gods Word. Actual Messianic Jews believe that. (2Pe 3:16) as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,c which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. They are only two of our choices. Not their love from God, not their salvation from God. Do you understand?. Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow But if we are afraid that they might harm us or our wives, children, servants, cattle, etc., then let us emulate the common sense of other nations such as France, Spain, Bohemia, etc., then eject them forever from the country . Obedience is the truest form of worship. As a former member of the U.S. military and several of its intelligence services, I can recognize their footprint a mile away. sounds straight forward, at least when he returns. Is that in their power to do? Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. because their teachings come across as harsh, judgmental, and unloving. All it takes is testing what the Word says to the Word without mans convoluted opinions to dilute your study. Im curious as to your name and this book you talk about, Id really like to read more of your thoughts! Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace.. That he expects us to live accordingly to his Teachings. I apologize Leah, if thats not your stance on the topic. They have connected in places like Facebook and other online discussion groups. 33 This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. It literally comes out as Shin-Beit-Tav. I have a friend who has gotten wrapped up in this and very concerned of the teachings.She fully believes what these people and the ones in her home group are teaching her.How do I get through to her? You have successfully completed the cycle of reacting and not listening that is core to the systemic attitude towards anyone that mentions Torah, commandments, law etc The truth is Christianity as a whole does in fact adhere to the Instructions in Righteousness aka Torah. I try wholeheartedly to be a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. There is simply freedom in Christ which has been bought by blood. It is you who fail to take all of Scripture into account. Regrettably, many Christians, by their anti-Hebrew Roots Movement stance are guilty of much of the same as was Martin Luther. Look up the word Ruach in Hebrew, its breath not the 3rd person I dont worship Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. Gods laws/teachings/precepts/ordinances, are what is written on our hearts and as we diligently seek him and accept his ways, we will do them as he has shown them through his holy prophets (not for salvation, rather as our obedience to him). because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, declares the Lord. One more thing, if you read comments on here that Ive been able to reply to, that might give you some extra places where 119 believers typically get hung up and often Ive given Scriptures on those topics. Because 119 Ministries wants to emphasize that Jesus Christ taught the Torah (law of Moses = law of God) and then tie that into the Great Commission (Mt. And some quote scripture out of context and cherry-pick verses to fit a preconceived doctrine. 119 Ministries has many teachings about the law of Moses. All the nations will come to the mountain of the Lord. Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. I did not. If youre not familiar with this website, check out and youll be blessed. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to[a] them,[b] declares the Lord. This trinity is NOT pagan, and I dont fall for his lies. Christians were first introduced by God in Acts 11:26. Program 1. I thought the law was done away with and all food was clean and the law was nailed to the cross and blah, blah, blah! He slaughtered so many people. My name is Leah & I was being figurative when I talked about my booksorry for the confusion! Yeshua is the only to have ever fulfilled most messianic prophecies, and there are some that will be fulfilled on His second coming. He is the WORD (He is the epitome of the image of His Father, just like we are to be) The Greeks used HE, The ruach hakodesh is the spirit of Yahuah, not a person. This cup which is poured out for you IS the new covenant IN MY BLOOD. ( Luke 22:20) Hebrews and 2 Cor. Make every decision with the guidance of Yah and try walk like Yashua. When those of the same mindset as I are moved beyond the salvation and concerned with our works only when coupled with faith. Gal. I blow the shofar and we have our portable mini-menorah so that we can hold meetings in peoples homes if they are unable to come visit us during Shabbat. In 9:1, he writes, Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and the earthly sanctuary. Note well that the word covenant is not in this verse (which is why some translations put it in italics). 9 is very clear that Paul himself said to a Jew I become a Jew; to those under the Torah I become as if under Torah, though I myself am not under Torah. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. Christians forget that in the book of Acts they were JEWS who were believers in the Messiah that received the Holy Spirit, not Christians! If you read prophecy, you will see the feasts as well as the 7th day Sabbath will be kept in the Millennium. But Torah keeping jubilee, atheist neighbor aside, just to be clear, true salvation only came through our faith in Yeshua and our faithful obedience to Yahweh was enabled through the empowering of the Holy Spirit to look past mans rules and straight into our Scriptures with no pastor. what are his commands but the Law of Moses. Fears of satanic influence drive errant behavior! We are all defending what we believe to be truth *as we understand it* and to suggest that any one person or entity has it 110% correct is fallacy. Knowledge puffs up and when learning takes a path of that flat out condems others, then it vain point is missed need to back up and rethink life and everything. Im currently reading Tovia Singer and other Jewish authors. If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and pressing Ctrl+Enter. test everything, hold onto what is good - 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 119 Updates (Weekly Mailing List Sign Up), Hebrew Roots 102 - Clearing the Confusion. The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. To clarify Brother Sean, I am not saying that the calender used by the post Babylon exiles. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no liejust as it has taught you, abide in him. (1 John 2:26-27), And they shall not teach, each one his neighborand each one his brother, saying, Know the Lord,for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:11). Consider sending out the map regularly to friends and social networks so others are afforded the same opportunity. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? Your email address will not be published. The other problem is that in some Bible versions over the last several decades, verb tenses have been changed (possibly to avoid copyright issues or to support predetermined doctrines) and whats passing away is still **future tense** in the original manuscripts. All of Judaism and Christendom are historically patriarchal. Apparently, the God you serve is very similar to the Muslim god Allah. Please be reminded that every thing Jesus said and did was based in Hebrew ideas and culture. Deuteronomy 12:32, Matthew 5:18. I think there is some confusion here. He doesnt at all say the words hes saying are from the words given long ago by the Father. 119 Ministries is a Hebrew Roots organization primarily operating through their website. No !! the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. Not a chance. Thank you Randall for engaging with openness to at least hear where I am coming from. Matt 5:17-20. Notice that Peter did NOT say I now realize how true it is that God has now abolished his own laws for his people and we may now eat the flesh of any animal, including the pig that the pagans regularly offer to their false gods.. Christians need to wake up as they have no clue because they are following the twisted view of the Catholic Church therefore, not following the Messiah they claim to love and follow. Your calling the son of Yahuah, Yahusha a liar! This also does not remove the possibility that the two choices are the only possible translations or proper contextual interpretations. Not that I can see! 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:34-35. Youre right, no one is 110% correct as humans trying to discern Gods exact meaning for everything. If my study of history is correct it is the dominate church who has been the persecutor of anyone who has come to a new understanding. And, a conspiracy theory of feminized Christian scholars is a real thing! Basically they claim to live in the spirit & have feel good heart feelings but nothing in their life reflects such a life that is separate from the world. Because the names of the months also have Babylonian names quotes not mean the Moedim are incorrect. But to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their heart; One answer to a simple question will clarify many arguments depending on how it is answered; What is the Law? To do what he taught that he said were the ways of his Father. As the Tanakh says, And so are we! This is by means a deception, nor harsh. And, in the Epistles the apostles are shown as KEEPING the Sabbath of YHWH (not the one the Catholic church ADMITS to changing and they proclaim that Bible-believing Christians should be keeping the 7th day Sabbath, otherwise they are following and thereby accepting the authority of Rome. We worship who we serve. The biggest snare to the body of Jesus Christ is that we have been influenced by the world.and maybe no more so than in America .putting our money out to interest divorcing and remarrying and over all demonstrating an amazing lack of love and faith by our actions . 2 God has not repudiated his people,[b] whom he chose in advance. By saying he changed his mind is saying he is a liar! With 2 Masters degrees, I have read much in my 56 years and appreciate being informed But so did Adam and Eve. We are NOT under the LAW. It smells human and not at all of the same scent of Jesus in the gospels. Do they teach that Salvation comes solely by the adherence to the Mosaic Law? So whoever sets aside one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom from heaven. 24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. In a world with over 33,000 Christian denominations arguments over doctrine, as seen here, are common. Here we see that after salvation that we are to DO righteousness which is obeying the commandments of God. Test Everything includingourselves, both popular and unpopular doctrine, and consequently reveal and promote His eternal truth while encouraging all others to do the same. Jesus was the highest demonstration of Gods grace, not the first appearance of it. You obviously do not understand. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.5 For Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness. For example, Jim Jones was a false teacher that came from a protestant denomination, thus all protestants are false I dont think so. God forbid: yea, we establish the law. And just like Shaual, I too am of the tribe of Binyamin (Benjamin in English), not to mention several others. Without the obedience of faith it is all meaningless it not about buying any artifact, it is not about follow the command to be reminded from a tassel about his righteousness. Afterwards, let us know what you think of 119 Ministries. And love God. This gift was given as payment for a system which used to require me to be put to death if I should sin! The author makes a case that if you observe anything Hebrew like the sabbath, which scripture does NOT say, then you are making a false claim. Thank you for your encouragement! franklin township library jobs. [g] 29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant[h] which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of Gods grace! I used to follow the same beliefs as the author but then I started reading the scriptures and testing what it said against the denominational teachings, and sadly there are many problems. Before we jump to pointing fingers and calling certain people deceivers, we must examine the teaching and heart extensively. Entry for Strongs #4137 , 1. to make full, to fill up, i.e. It is my honor and a joy to want to be a humble servant of my God as well as accept His grace for my sin so that I should not have death. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. And if we make it anything other than about him and his righteousness, we are not found in him. I believe the torah which Abraham obeyed was Gods unchanging moral instruction based on Gods unchanging character and specifically related to Gods Abrahamic covenant. Replacement Theology, Antisemitism and the blatant misinterpretation of the Scriptures are pushing the Protestant Church further and further into apostasy, which means that Yeshua the Messiah will return to earth a lot sooner than most people are expecting. Leah Matthew 23:1-3. And I DO NOT observe the Tanakh in order to be saved, but because I am saved and I want to show the God of Israel how much I love him through my obedience. This is not allowing all things to all people. Do not add to it or subtract from it. Something new. Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. Jesus shows the common understanding which is in fact true, but this understanding alone lacks the full intention of the Torah. More than once, I have addressed them, both privately and publicly. I do not personally celebrate Christmas or Easter although I have in the past . He doesnt have to tell a group of Jewish men that his words are words given to him long ago by the father when they already know the Torah. It is all aboutYehova. If you would like more Scriptures of defending the truth Id be happy to add more to this list. There is NO running to doctors when you profess faith that God will heal. God has no intention of deceiving his creation only Satan and his minion deceive and will deceived men into thinking they are doing the work of God until Satan is bound for a 1000 yrs. Once found, why do away with it? Youre comment about being found spotless when Yashua returns is true. (download the e-sword and mysword programs, free, BTW). Then in my opinion? You make so many points well, logically. Everything Paul expounds on is a very very Jewish Rabbinical thing. I have a feeling that your material will be sure to get through to him! Ive saved a screenshot!). And that is only because God by his grace put that desire in my heart!!!! 119 ministries do not teach that following the law of God will grant you salvation. How the church lies. Regarding Grace The grace which brings salvation has appeared unto all men TEACHING us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust , we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world so grace for me anyway ..teaches me what is godly ? Also did you know the proto-hebrew and aramaic is more similiar to english than modern Hebrew in appearance and infact it looks like the letters were just turned sideways. It is very humbling. Thats not to say that I always agree with every single thing they teach. Everything in the bible is true. David, while your comment is quite snarky, Ill attempt to overlook your condescension. You are leading to false conclusions and use continual ad hominem attacks. Established in 2010, 119 Ministries is a Non-for-Profit ministry consisting of teachers, a few other paid staff, and a collection of international volunteers who assist with administrative and logistical operations. I stayed away from all churches and decided to read scripture for what is was The WORD of the Living God. With that said we are commanded to be like a Berean to search the scriptures, test the spirits, messages & prophesies AGAINST the in context word of God. Not one mention of Jesus Christ with so many words. I saw patterns, I learned Hebrew culture, I understood the concepts of the Tanach. Are in Jesus Christ Himself, for of HIS FULNESS I have received; GRACE UPON GRACE!!! The NC Law is the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus; or the Law of Christ which is the Law of love. Thanks for your post. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Hi there, hope you are well.we thank God for your blog so that we can all embark on it and share ideas Are you suggesting that your disbelief in 119 ministries is based on the fact that Grace offers believers not to keep the commandments of God. Another research project for you if you are not afraid. Bless you in Christ Jesus!!! He commented that most Christians drink their water downstream, where all the animals and people have polluted the water so badly that its no longer drinkable. Israel. In other cases we see where God personally instructed individuals with His own voice. And while I applaud 119 Ministries for their teachings, I think that we should all continue to follow their wise advice and test everything they say against the backdrop of Scripture, just as the Bereans did when they listed to Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in the towns that he and Luke visited. the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? Feel free to argue with Strong as you wish. From there, they conclude that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are to obey the law of Moses. WE ARE THUS REDEEMED FROM THE CURSE THE LAW BROUGHT!! New Flash: the Messianic Community of the 1st century was the original Hebrew Roots Movement. Its really that simple! Nice, thanks. What does YHVH mean in Joel 2:28, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ? other than going by the method in which was prescribed by Yehova at the begining? Because it would be quickly discerned to be a blatant lie! I can say from personal experience since 2007/2008 that it is absolute JOY to celebrate the Feasts of YHWH (which God never said anywhere in the Bible that they were just for the Jews but He did say they were everlasting in the literal sense in the Hebrew language.) We have the Law and the Prophets that tell us what is expected. Antonio, can I copy what you said and report it on another site. I know nothing of 119 ministries and I have no idea if it is necessary to observe the 7th day Sabbath today but I do know that when Christ returns he will enforce the keeping of the Jewish holy days by everyone (Zechariah 14:18). What I find interesting is that nowhere do I find in scripture where the context is obedience after one becomes a believer is observing the feasts of the Lord or the Lords Sabbath been done away with or considered a sin (BTW scripture NEVER states the sabbath is just for the Jews, its for all mankind but you have to study & look at the definitions; something I think the author discourages. Over the years I have spent huge amounts of time talking with the Lord and studying the scriptures! Dont believe me? They talk about sin, but dont know what it is. It was like we all could not believe how offensive we had been to our Father and we just wanted to flee from man-made religion and seek the Father, purely, according to His WORD. 11:3) God => Messiah => man => woman. I find the approach they take to be honest and truth seeking. I explain well in these two videos my response to both you and McKee.. 12 (11) Then all Israel will hear about it and be afraid, so that they will stop doing such wickedness as this among themselves. When you study the teaching of Jesus Christ, you find that Jesus not only fulfilled the Mosaic Law, but He taught a much deeper understanding of Gods moral law. up your life for those who despise you . These ENEMIES of ours are trying to transform themselves into JEWS ie: wannabee Jews and because they do not have the Spirit of Adoption, are unable to discern ANY of this spiritually, but carry on in the NATURAL. So Who are you defending? I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. What would the Churches in your area need to correct? To him be the glory, both now and forever! I also agree with Bill Carmichael who stated that 119 (and not 911) Ministries is Real breath of fresh air. Into my adult years Ive read, and studied a lot of different religions and beliefs. He also never once said that he had stopped being a Pharisee or Rabbi, hence the title Rav in front of his name.