Poštovane gospođe i gospodo, dekani, prodekani i tajnici hrvatskih sveučilišta

Poštovane kolegice i kolege profesori hrvatske akademske zajednice


Dear Consortium members of the TEMPUS project UM_JEP-16015-2001 “Development of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Croatia” (QUASYS)





Let me as a Rector of the University of Zagreb and a coordinator of the TEMPUS Project announce a lecture which will be delivered by Frans van Vught, Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente, the Netherlands, who has kindly accepted our invitation to give a long distance lecture (being in the telecommunication room – TCR – of his University in Twente) to the members of Senates and other academic members of Croatian universities who will be present in TC Rooms at universities in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar and Dubrovnik.


Being challenged by the changes which are taking place all around the European universities, management bodies of Croatian universities have been offered to listen to and to share experience and knowledge acquired by one of the best experts in this field.


The video-conference entitled “The Integrated University” will be given on Monday, December 15, 2003 at 12.30 and it will be available to the broader Internet audience via live streaming at the web-page




I am calling Consortium members to further inform their colleagues to follow the video-conference and participate in discussion by sending questions during the conference at the following e-mail address: tempusvt@unizg.hr.