The European Second Language Association 2005 Conference


Tuesday 13 September  
17:00 - 19:00 Registration
Wednesday 14 September
9:00 - 9:15 Official opening
9:15 - 16:30 Language Learning Roundtable Conference
Individual Differences In Second Language Behavior
10:00 - 18:00 Registration
11:15 - 11:45 Coffee break
12:45 - 14:15 Lunch break
17:00 - 19:00 EUROSLA 15
Doctoral workshops
20:00 Reception at Sponza Palace
Thursday 15 September
8:00 - 8:45 Registration
9.00 - 9:30 Opening
9:30 - 10:30 Plenary 1 Robert C. Gardner:
The socio-educational model of second language acquisition: A Research Paradigm
10.30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 13:00 Panel 1 & Papers
13:00 - 15:00 Registration
13:00 - 15.00 Lunch break
15.00 - 16.30 Papers
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 - 18:00 Papers
18:00 - 20:00 Putting up posters
Friday 16 September
9:00 - 10:00 Plenary 2 Michael Sharwood-Smith:
SLA - the next generation - towards an integrated theory of language acquisition
10:00 - 11:00 Papers
11:00 - 12:30 Poster session
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 Panel 2 & Papers
16.00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30 Plenary 3 Kenneth Hyltenstam:
Formulaic language, the near-native speaker and age
17:30 - 18:30 Annual General Assembly
20:00 Dinner at Hotel Excelsior
Saturday 17 September
9:00 - 10:00 Plenary 4 Jelena Mihaljevic Djigunovic:
Language anxiety and language processing
10:00 - 11:00 Papers
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11.30 - 13:00 Panel 3 & Papers
13:15 - 13:45 Closing
Venue: Hotel Dubrovnik Palace, Massarykov put 20, Lapad, Dubrovnik


  Tuesday 13 September 17:00 - 19:00
Registration: Wednesday 14 September 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 15 September 8:00 - 8:45 and 13:00 - 15:00



Language Learning Roundtable Conference


Convenor: Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović


A pre-conference event

sponsored by

Language Learning


Venue: HOTEL DUBROVNIK PALACE ( photo album ), Massarykov put 20 - LAPAD (City map)


WEDNESDAY 14 September

9.00 - 9.15

Official Opening

9.15 - 10.15

John H. Schumann

Applied Linguistics, UCLA

Neurological Bases for Individual Differences

10.15 - 11.15

Andrew D. Cohen
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, US
Coming to terms with language learner strategies: What do strategy experts think about the terminology and where would they direct their research?

11.15 - 11.45

Coffee break

11.45 - 12.45

Peter MacIntyre

University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Willingness to Communicate in the Second Language: Individual and Intergroup Processes

12.45 - 14.15

Lunch break

14.15 - 16.15


Robert DeKeyser, University of Maryland, US

Marianne Nikolov, University of Pecs, Hungary

Jean-Marc Dewaele, University of London, England

16.15 -16.30





  Tuesday 13 September 17:00 - 19:00
Registration: Wednesday 14 September 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 15 September 8:00 - 8:45 and 13:00 - 15:00
Venue: HOTEL DUBROVNIK PALACE( Photo album ), Massarykov put 20 - LAPAD (City map)



17:00 -19:00

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

17:00 - 17:30

E. Lindström

The Acquisition of Grammatical Gender in L2 French

Discussamt: J.Herschenson

F. Hasegawa-McIntyre

The effects of self-correction: Japanese written work

Discussant: A. Cohen

T. Kraš

Age Effects on the L2 acquisition of the phenomena at the lexicon-syntax interface

Discussant: D. Singleton

17:30 - 18:00

M. Miličević

Acquisition of verbal reflexives and reciprocals: L1 and UG influence in L2 Italian, Serbian and English

Discussant: D.trenkić

N. Lilja

Proficiency as a members' category in everyday conversation

Discussant: G. Palloti

H. Gyllstad

Developing and investigating the reliability and validity of a test of collocations for intermediate and advanced learners of English

Discussant: P. Meara

18:00 - 18:30

J. Verhagen

Tapping the role of the non-modal auxiliaries 'hebben' and 'zijn' in L2 Dutch: Methodological considerations in SLA research



Discussant: L. Roberts

N. Bengtsson

Descriptions in spoken French. A comparison between native speakers and non-native speakers regarding textual and conversational aspects

Discussant: G. Palloti

D. Coulson

Recognition speed for basic L2 vocabulary

Discussant: D. Singleton




THURSDAY 15 September

9:00 – 9:30


9:30 – 10:30


Robert C. Gardner:

The socio-educational model of second language acquisition: A Research Paradigm

10:30 – 11:00

C o f f e e

11:00 – 13:00

Panel 1 Vocabulary development and the four skills Organizer: K. Haastrup, B. Laufer

P a p e r s


Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

11:00 – 11:30

B. Laufer


Relating vocabulary knowledge to language skills, instruction and measurement

I. Vidakovic  Learning to express motion in a second language

E. Nuzzo 

Developing pragmatic competence: Complaints in Italian L2

S. Loewen , T. Nabei 

The effect of oral corrective feedback on implicit and explicit L2 knowledge

11:30 – 12:00

L. Staehr Jensen

Depth of vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension in English as a foreing language

B. Schmiedtová, N. Sakhonenko  The role of grammatical aspect in event encoding: A comparison of Czech and Russian advanced learners of German

E. Alcón

Does instruction work for learning pragmatics in the EFL context?

S. Gass, K. Lewis Perceptions of interactional feedback: Differences between heritage and non-heritage language learners

12:00 – 12:30

A. Lenko

 Measures of lexical richness and human raters' scores in the assessment of learners' active vocabulary

P. Prévost  Knowledge of (non-) finiteness in L2 French by Spanish-speaking learners

A. Demol, P. Hadermann

Unravelling syntactic and anaphoric complexity: The case of pre-advanced French L2 narratives

M. del Pilar Garcia-Mayo, E. Dalley  Form-focused instruction in phonological acquisition

12:30 – 13:00

K. Terlevic Johansson

On oral production in L3 German: A study of lexis

B. Laufer, N. Girsai Vocabulary acquisition through text-based translation tasks

S. Benazzo, M. Starren

From analytic to synthetic expressions of temporal-aspectual relations in L2

A. Liinares Garcia, J. Romero Trillo

Discourse markets and the language teacher

F. G. del Puerto, M. L. Garcia Lecumberri, J. Cenoz Iragui

Modelling FL sound acquisition in formal instruction contexts: The perception of English consonants

13:00 – 15:00

L   u   n   c   h      b   r   e   a   k

15:00 – 16:30

P   a   p   e   r   s


Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

15:00 - 15:30


Self-perceived foreing language skills and language anxiety: a longitudinal study

C. Muñoz 

The development of the personal pronominal system in learners of English

T. Kamimoto

The effect of guessing on vocabulary test scores: A qualitative analysis

L. Zergollern-Miletić

Developmental aspects of acquiring definiteness/indefiniteness in English as a second language

15:30 – 16:00

R. Wilson  Another language is another soul: Individual differences in the presentation of self through a foreign language

I. van de Craats

Dummy auxiliaries in L2 and L1 acquisition

K. Aizawa

 Levels of receptive vocabulary knowledge – effects of context and multiple-choices on vocabulary test cores

I. Vedder, F. Kuiken 

L2 writing tasks: The role of cognitive complexity

16:00 – 16:30

S. van Daele, A. Housen, M. Pierrard  Extraversion and developmental variation of speech production in two L2's

K. Yamada

Problems for the standard formulation of the Overt Pronoun Constraint on the empirical and linguistic bases

M. Harrington

Lexical decisions time as a measure of L2 vocabulary knowledge

M. Mayberry

Cognitive processes of Spanish phonological acquisition and listening comprehension

16:30 – 17:00

C   o   f   f   e   e

17:00 – 18:00

P   a   p   e   r   s


Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

17:00 – 17:30

C.Dimroth, M. Gullberg, L. Roberts

What do you know after seven minutes of exposure to a new language

M. Howard

Short versus long-term effects of naturalistic exposure on the instructed speaker's L2 development

J. Milton

Aural word recognition and vocabulary size

M-N. Guillot 

Changing aspects of advanced L2 oppositional talk: an assessment of features of turn-taking strategies in NNS French at two stages of acquisition

17:30 – 18:00

R. Rast, C. Perdue

Activating previously acquired language(s) upon first contact with a foreing language

C. Perez, M. J. Garau

Context and contact in the acquisition of oral communication skills in English: A 'stay-abroad' study

C. Kasai, H. Maki, F. Niinuma

The Minimal English Test: A strong correlation with the Paul Nation English Proficiency Test

M. Kostić-Bobanović, Neala Ambrosi Randić

 Language learning strategies at different EFL levels

18:00 – 20:00

P u t t i n g   u p   p o s t e r s



FRIDAY 16 September



M. Sharwood-Smith:

SLA - the next generation - towards an integrated theory of language acquisition


P a p e r s


Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4


J-M. Dewaele  Individual differences in self-perceived proficiency more than two decades after the onset of SLA

M. S. Schmid

Language attrition research: a blueprint for a research desing

H. Miettinen

Phonological working memory and L2 knowledge: Finnish children learning English

C. Ros i Solé

Narrated second language learner's identities


M. Nikolov  The contribution of cognitive and affective factors to Hungarian learners' performances in English and German

C. Kuribara

Set relations and learnability in L2 acquisition

E. Havik

Working memory and second language acquisition

J. Kormos, K. Czisér, N. Németh 

A qualitative investigation of the effect of intercultural contact on language attitudes and motivation



P o s t e r    s e s s i o n s ( R o o m s  1 )


M. Ägren  The acquisition of silent morphology in written L2 French

M. Brala  Exploring the semantics of the on/in spatial distinction in functional contexts: A comparison of monolingual and bilingual children's data

J. M. Castillo  The symbiosis of foreign-language acquisition and technology

V. Cook, C. Kasai, M. Sasaki  Syntactic differences of bilingual speakres: The case study of Japanese

N. Dankova  Transfer and acquisition of French L2 in the street

M. Dobrenov-Major  Silent struggle: Bosnian adolescent refugees speak

M. Dražić, M. Gulešić Machata, J. Novak Milić  Connectors as indicators of higher language competence

E. Errico  The role of L2 in L1 innovarion: an empirical study on Gibraltarian adolescents

E. Galaczi  What can language assessment say to SLA: The case of  the First Certificate of English examination

R. Geld, A-M. Hartenstein  Cognitive strategies in SLA: construals and judgements

J. Granfeldt, P. Nugues, E. Persson, L. Persson, F. Kostadinov, M Ǻgren, S. Schlyter  Direkt Profil: a system for evaluating texts of second language learners of French based on developmental sequences

M. Grönholm  Acquisition order of local cases in Finnish language immersion

J. Huettner, A. Rieder  Intensified L2 instruction and children's narrative competence

S. Humphries  The affects of altered input on the collaborative essay-writing style of EFL students in a DVD analysis class

A. Ito  Instruction on genitive relative clauses based on the markedness theory: Its theory and practice

P. Jordens  Acquiring the syntax of verb-second in L1 and L2 Dutch

Z. Jelaska, G. Hržica  In search for a missing part: Identification and generational motivation in learning the L2

Z. Jelaska, L. Cvikić, M. Musulin  Slavic verb aspect: A step too high for native-like speakers competence

A-B. Jelić  Young learners' reduction strategies in the classroom discourse

M. Lehmann  EFL vocabulary as a predictor of success in academic reading

Y. I. Leung  Morphological representation in L2 English and L2/L3 Spanish: Over-regurlarization and impairment

K. Lochtman  Belgian business students' attitudes towards foreign languages: What do they tell us about motivation in foreign langauge acquisition in a multilingual context

M. Miličević  The role of verb sematnics in the transfer of L1 morphology: Evidence from verbal reflexives in L2 Italian

V. Pavičić, V. Bagarić  Communicative lexical ability of foreign language learners: evidence from learners' written and oral production

A. Peti-Stantić  Croatian and Slovenian – Relatives and Neighbors

A. Sanell  The acquisition of the negation in French L2

N. Sato  The relationship among motivational types, wants/needs/actions and proficiency

A. Slimani-Rolls  The relevance of learner characteristics and social context in meaning negotiation

N. Snape  Article use in L2 English: Missing Surface Inflectional Hypothesis (MSIH) or Representational Deficit Hypothesis (RDH)?

F. Steinbach  Oral language exams as interactional achievments

A. Utrzén  Politeness strategies among young people in multilingual urban settings

L. Van Mensel, S. Janssens, A. Housen, M. Pierrard  The development of second-language oral productive skills: the case of Francophone and Dutch-speaking pupils in Dutch-language secondary education in Brussels

Y. Vrhovac  The process of early SLA and self-evalutation in young learners


L u n c h    b r e a k


Panel 2 SLA in interaction: A conversation-analytic perspective

Organizer: G. Kasper



Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4


G. Pallotti

Self-repetition as a strategy for using and acquiring a second language through interaction


Non-target-like article use in L2 English - implementations for current UG-based theories of SLA

T. Fitzpatrick

Habits and rabbits: Word associations and the L2 lexicon

J. Herschensohm, C. Frenck-Mestre

Failed (gender) features in L2 French: What ERPs reveal about native influence


J. Hellermann

The development of sequential practices for narrative in a second language through classroom interaction: A longitudinal study of four adult, low-level learners of English

J. Bruhn de Garavito, P. Guijarro-Fuentes, P. Prévost, E. Valenzuela

Specificity in Spanish: the syntax/semantics interface in SLA

F. Boers, J. Eyckmans, H. Stengers  

Means of 'motivating' multiword units: measuring the mnemonic effects

D. Singleton, M. O Laoire  Cross-lexical interaction in Irish-English bilinguals' French: Further exploration of the psychotypology factor


K. Mortensen

It takes two to do teacher-fronted classroom organization

D. Trenkic

Another look at article production in L2 English: Beyond the representational deficit vs. processing constraints debate

F. Forsberg  'Prêt-à-parler'. Formulaic sequences in spoken L2 and L1 French – a developmental study

L. Roberts

Investigating L1-L2 interactions in the on-line resolution of subject pronouns in discourse: Evidence from eye-tracking with Turkish-Dutch bilinguals


J. Wagner  Expanded other corrections in foreign language conversation

G. Kasper Concluding remarks

V. Chondrogianni

On the acquisition of clitics and determiners by child L2 learners of Modern Greak

P. Meara

Growing a vocabulary

B. Schmiedtová 

The interplay between source and target language – the expression of simultaneity by (very) advanced learners of Czech




PLENARY 3 K. Hyltenstam: Formulaic language, the near-native speaker and age


AGM - Annual General Assembly

20:00 DINNER AT HOTEL EXCELSIOR ( Palm Terrace ) Put Frana Supila 12- OLD TOWN (City map)



SATURDAY 17 September


PLENARY 4 Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović: Language Anxiety and Language Processing




Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4


F. Myles Learner corpora and the SLA research agenda

P. Athanasopoulos

The relationship between language and cognition in the bilingual mind: Nonverbal classification preferences in Japanese-English bilinguals

H.Lehti-Eklund, M. Green-Vänttinen

Structural aspects of self repair in Swedish as L2 and L1

C. Bardel

Looking for the internal explanations for code-mixing in L3


G. Szabo

Do they know more? Tracking the changes in the language ability of Hungarian learners of English

B. Bassetti

Do bilingual children think differently? Grammatical gender and object perception in Italian-German bilingual children

J. Perrez, L.Degand

An introspective srudy of the explicit use of causal and contrastive connectives and metadiscourse markers as part of a reading strategy

M. Mobaraki 

Meta- and other non-linguistic factors in child L2 syntactic development




Panel 3 How form and function meet in bilingual development Organizer: M. Kovačević



Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4


T. Cadierno  Form-meaning mapping in the acquisition of motion constructions: A cognitive linguistics perspective


Working memory ability and its impact on language and music aptitude

E. Peters

Word relevance and task instruction. Do they make a difference for word retention

S. A. Liszka

End-state grammars and pragmatic processes: Exploring the interface


D. Bordag, A. Opitz, T. Pechmann The influence of phonological form on the L1 and L2 gender production

T. Kraš 
Poverty of the stimulus in L2
acquisition: A case of split intransitivity

E. Marsden

Incidental learning of form-meaning connections: redundant verb inflections in French L2

A. Gürel 

The acquisition of new syntactic categories in the ultimate L2 state


A. Rohde  Towards a theory of the second language lexicon

N. Duffield, A. Matsuo, L. Roberts, D. Stojanovic

The dog in the nighttime (again): On the curious acceptability of ungrammatical sentences

Y. Akbulut, G. Ercetin, R. Ariew  Factors affecting L2 incidental vocabulary learning in a hypermedia environment

M. Lambert, P. Leclercq 

The impact of imperfective marking in information selection and organisation: Do very advanced learners master the implications?







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