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TEMPUS CM_SCM-C032A06-2006 |
Furtherance of Bologna Promotion in Croatia FurtherBologna |
Project description
Project Description
As shown in the needs analysis the need has occurred at the labor market, business sector, universities and wider community for better familiarity with the Bologna requirements and collaboration of all stakeholders in order to make the transformation of the system feasible.
In the previous Tempus SCM project Croatian Bologna Promoters Team, promotion of some aspects of Bologna reform was accomplished. Nevertheless, there are some more aspects to be covered and these are postgraduate studies, research policy at university and its connection to teaching, socio-economic and cultural aspects of Bologna reform, QA system, recognition of diplomas, qualification framework, employability, mobility in European programs etc. The EU partners will exchange their know-how with the Croatian partners. When establishing cooperation with EU partners, the intention was to identify the partners in EU with the specific experience and knowledge in the areas mentioned above. KU Leuven covers the theme QA, postgraduate study, research policy and its connection to teaching. Austrian and Czech ministries cover the themes recognition of diplomas, qualification framework, employability and socio-economic and cultural aspects of Bologna reform. Austrian Exchange Service (ÖAD) covers the theme mobility in European programmes. The project will be synchronized with the European University Association project: Information project on Higher Education Reform, published in February 2006.
The wider objective of the project is to fulfill the Bologna requirements and demands of The Act on Higher Education and Research in Croatia in order to join European Higher Education Area. Additionally the wider objective is preparation of Croatian Higher Education institutions, associations and authorities for the entrance of Croatia into European Union.
Indicators of progress for wider objective: - New curricula meeting the Bologna requirements - Increased mobility of students and teachers - Raised awareness of need for cooperation in HE in Europe.
Assessment of indicators: - Agency data on new curricula approved - MSES data on exchanged students, teachers and staff.
The specific project objective is to promote the Bologna goals, especially three cycle system, connection of higher education to research and development, diploma recognition, qualification framework, employability and quality assurance and to raise the awareness of social, cultural and economic aspects of Bologna reform. The target groups of the project are employers, professionals, academics, students and ultimately the whole community in Croatia.
Indicators of progress for specific objective: - Employers, professional organizations’ staff informed of Bologna reform and new qualifications - More teachers and university and faculty management familiar with Bologna requirements and with the needs of the labor market - International (European) recognition of Croatian HE - More effective decision making process at the universities and the Ministry.
Indicators can be assessed: - Employers publish tenders for new jobs according to new degree system (newspapers and web) - Internal and external institutional evaluation reports - Individual reports on teaching and research activities - Transparent decision making system at universities and Ministry – information available on the web.
The assumptions here are: - State/University financial and logistic support for Promoters team - Employers and professional organizations interested in survey and cooperation with universities on Bologna reform - Media interested in publishing information, TV and radio discussions on education and research issues.
Project outcomes: 1. Bologna Promoters retrained (15 promoters) 2. Seminars held (4 seminars) and Croatian staff form professional organizations, employers, future students as well as university teachers, staff and students retrained (300 participants retrained) 3. Seminar material (handouts, visuals, readers, best practice) 4. Dissemination through newspapers, TV and web page for non-academics (Bologna guidelines) 5. Survey within employers 6. Progress review and report
Indicators of progress for the project outcomes: - Meetings held (Kick-off / Final / Teleconference) - Preliminary seminar programs constructed - Final programs constructed - 300 seminar participants retrained - Seminar conclusions prepared and distributed to stakeholders - Seminar material constructed - Articles published - Guidelines for non-academics published - TV and radio discussions held - Survey constructed and conducted - Survey results analysed and disseminated - Written report - Web page updating - Share-point (interactive web portal) for management used
The outcome indicators can be assessed: - Minutes of meetings (Kick-off / Final / Teleconference) - The reports on project activities - Evaluation reports on seminars - Seminar conclusions - Number of Guidelines distributed - Number of copies of articles distributed - TV and radio programmes - Report on survey results - Number of hits on web page - Written reports
Assumptions: - Universities and Ministry show commitment through financial participation - The trained university management and professors (employers) really apply their new knowledge and survey results Risk is lack of interest for dissemination results
Project activities: 1. Kick off meeting 2. Preliminary seminar program 3. Participation of Promoters in training seminars and other events abroad at European level 4. Survey on Bologna within employers and analysis 5. Construction of seminar material, final programs and web page 6. Seminars (4) at the universities 7. Web page 8. Thematic discussion on national TV and radio 9. Newspapers articles 10. Bologna guidelines for non-academics 11. Analysis, report writing and final meeting
Inputs required: 1. Travel HR-HR 15 people for 3 days, EU-HR 5 people for 3 days (travel and stay costs) 2. Preliminary seminar program (staff costs) 3. Travel HR-EU 15 people for 4 days (travel and stay) 4. Survey on Bologna within employers and analysis (staff, printing and publishing costs) 5. Travel HR-HR 10 people for 1 day (travel and stay costs) ; 1 part-time web designer for 2 month (staff) 6. Printing and publishing Guidelines (staff, publishing) 7. Travel HR-HR 30 people for 3 days, EU-HR 12 people for 3 days (travel and stay); teaching material: readers, handouts, visuals, best practice (publishing) 8. Travel HR-HR 15 people for 3 days, EU-HR 3 people for 3 days (travel and stay) 9. Management of the project (staff) 10. 1 part-time secretary with coordinating partner for 10 months (staff) 11. 1 part-time secretary with grant holder for 2 months (staff) 12. Bank charges, exchange losses (other costs)
The assumption for the realization of activities is enough interest at industry for seminars.
Partner country inputs: Co-financing of Croatian Ministry (7,260€), equipment, seminar participants travel and stay costs, other infrastructure. |