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August 31, 2004 - Announcement - internet access reconstruction

Due to the work conducted on our internet network, the web site will not be updated for the next week. We hope to be back online soon :)

July 15, 2004 - UNESCO Chair's Tempus project selected for funding

The European Commission selected 10 Tempus projects for funding at the University of Zagreb, of which 7 are Joint European Projects and 3 one-year Structural and Complementary Measures. The UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education has applied for funding of a Structural and Complementary Measures project "Strategic management of staff development at university" with the universities of Bristol and Zagreb as grantholder and coordinator, respectively. The Rectorate of the University of Zagreb has applied a Tempus JEP project "Moving ahead with the Bologna process in Croatia" with the University of Bristol as grantholder.

With these excellent news we break for summer holidays and wish you pleasant vacations until August 15.

Your UNESCO Chair team.

July 13, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 11 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- report from the 3rd Convention of Alumni societies of Croatian universities held June 30 - July 4;
- information about postgraduate research scholarships of Alps-Adriatic Rector's Conference;
- information about new agreements between University of Zagreb and foreign universities;
- results of application processes for TEMPUS projects
- information about scholarships and grants from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for Croatian postgraduate students who are studying abroad.

Academic Bulletin issue 7/2004 (500kb, in Croatian only)

July 7, 2004 - Web site news, INQAAHE newsletter

The web site has recently been updated with several new links and international conferences. We have also added the Joint statement by ENIC/NARIC networks about recognition issues in the European higher education area.
Additionally, we have added the link to the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) newsletter to our literature section.

June 23, 2004 - III Convention AMAC/AMCA associations

The III Convention of AMAC/AMCA associations (associations of alumni of Croatian universities) is taking place June 30 - July 3 2004 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb. The topic of the Convention is "University, science and globalisation" and invited speakers will include, among others, the minister of science, technology and sport, Dragan Primorac and professor Miroslav Radman. The Convention will also provide reports on the work of AMAC/AMCA associations. The Organisation committee of the Convention is chaired by professor Greta Pifat-Mrzljak, and the Convention is financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, the University of Zagreb and individual faculties.

More information about the convention as well as about AMAC/AMCA activities can be found at their web site.

June 21, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 10 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- information about the 3rd Convention of Alumni societies of Croatian universities held June 30 - July 4 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb;
- invitation for cooperation ideas with the Carl's university Prague;
- invitation for cooperation ideas, and description of cooperation experiences with the Université libre de Bruxelles-ULB;
- information about scholarships for the Johannes Gutenberg university, research scholarships in Trieste and research scholarships for Japan.

Academic Bulletin issue 5/2004


1. 6. 2004. - Share your opinion!

Half a year has passed in 2004 and we feel this is the right time to let our visitors and users share their opinions with us. Therefore, we invite you to send your comments on the web site and on the UNESCO Chair to our e-mail address.

We are especially interested in your comments on:
- the quality of web site navigation and the possibility of finding your way around
- the web site content
- the new sections or content that you would like to see on the site
- the activities of the UNESCO Chair.

Thank you for your comments!

Your UNESCO Chair team.

May 25, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from the new issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- information about Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award programme.
- call for proposals for cooperation with the University of Hamburg within the Cooperation Programme of the University of Zagreb and Hamburg.
- information about the scholarship cooperation programme between Norway and Southeast
Europe for academic year 2004/2005
- scholarship of the Queen Jadwiga Fund at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

This is just a selection of news from the Bulletin and we invite you to take a look at the link below (in Croatian).

Academic Bulletin issue 5/2004

May 11, 2004 - Change Management in Higher Education - a Workshop

The University of Zagreb Tempus project "Development of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education" (QUASYS), is organising a workshop "Change Management in Higher Education" will be held May 26-28, 2004.
Twenty-five representatives of middle and senior management of Croatian universities will gain training in five areas relevant for the role of change in establishing a quality assurance system. The workshop will be lead by Croatian and foreign experts through lectures and practical work, which will aid in raising awareness of the relevance of change management.


May 5, 2004 - Web site update

The web site has been updated with several new links, documents about higher education and two new conferences - we invite you to take a look!

April 26, 2004 - Open days of Rudjer Boskovic Institute

The largest Croatian multidisciplinary scientific institution in the area of natural sciences, the Rudjer Boskovic Institute, iz organising its Open Days May 13-15. Visitors will get the opportunity to learn about some of the activities of the Institute through presentations by scientists and experience the Institute's research by guided tours of the laboratories.

More information is available from the Institute's web pages (in Croatian) at http://www.irb.hr/hr/events/opendays/

April 20, 2004 - University of Zagreb hosts Meeting for International Relations Officers of the UNICA Network

After the visit of Salzburg seminar experts, the University of Zagreb hosts another international event on April 22 and 23 as International Relations Officers of the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) meet in Zagreb.

Meeting presentations:
- Bologna Process: Update and Consequences by Arthur Mettinger president of UNICA;
- Erasmus Mundus – general presentation by Chantal Zoller, Université Libre de Bruxelles followed by a discussion on UNICA possible Joint initiatives;
- LEONARDO UNICA Good Practices by Maria Schmidt-Dengler, Universität Wien;
- UNICA-EAIE project Benchmarking Performance Indicators for the Assessment of Quality Assurance in International Collaboration, Socrates Programme for Accompanying Measures,
by Andreas Mallouppas, University of Cyprus
- Presentation on the Zagreb University and Higher Education in Croatia, by prof. Vlasta Vizek Vidovic, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the University of Zagreb

Among other topics the representatives will be presented news about the UNICA Student Conference due in Amsterdam on 27-30 October 2004.

May 11, 2004 - Change Management in Higher Education - a Workshop

The University of Zagreb Tempus project "Development of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education" (QUASYS), is organising a workshop "Change Management in Higher Education will be held May 26-28, 2004.
Twenty-five representatives of middle and senior management of Croatian universities will gain training in five areas relevant for the role of change in establishing a quality assurance system. The workshop will be lead by Croatian and foreign experts through lectures and practical work, which will aid in raising awareness of the relevance of change management.

May 5, 2004 - Web site update

The web site has been updated with several new links, documents about higher education and two new conferences - we invite you to take a look!

April 20, 2004 - University of Zagreb hosts Meeting for International Relations Officers of the UNICA Network

After the visit of Salzburg seminar experts, the University of Zagreb hosts another international event on April 22 and 23 as International Relations Officers of the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) meet in Zagreb.

Meeting presentations:
- Bologna Process: Update and Consequences by Arthur Mettinger president of UNICA;
- Erasmus Mundus – general presentation by Chantal Zoller, Université Libre de Bruxelles followed by a discussion on UNICA possible Joint initiatives;
- LEONARDO UNICA Good Practices by Maria Schmidt-Dengler, Universität Wien;
- UNICA-EAIE project Benchmarking Performance Indicators for the Assessment of Quality Assurance in International Collaboration, Socrates Programme for Accompanying Measures,
by Andreas Mallouppas, University of Cyprus
- Presentation on the Zagreb University and Higher Education in Croatia, by prof. Vlasta Vizek Vidovic, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the University of Zagreb

Among other topics the representatives will be presented news about the UNICA Student Conference due in Amsterdam on 27-30 October 2004.

April 15, 2004 - Salzburg seminar experts visit University of Zagreb

An evaluation team from the Salzburg seminar is visiting the University of Zagreb April 12 - 16. Based on the University's self-evaluation report, the talks about the Bologna process at Zagreb university with members of the rector's and deans' teams, Senate committees members and students, the experts will make an evaluation of the progress that the Universiy has made in its reforms.
Members of the Salzburg delegation are: Josef Jarab, former rector of the Palacky University in the Czech Republic and the Central European University in Budapest and Warsaw; Madelaine Green, vice-president of the American Council on Education; Sven Caspersen, rector of Aalburg University in Denmark; Jochen Fried, head of the delegation and director of the university project of Salzburg seminar; and Manja Klemencic, PhD candidate at Cambridge University and fellow at Harvard Centre for Business and Government.
This is the second visit of a Salzburg seminar delegation to the University of Zagreb. The first visit was organised in 2000 which resulted in the first evaluation on the University of Zagreb's progress. This evaluation can be accessed on www.unizg.hr/iskorak/salzburg.pdf

More about the visit

April 8, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from the 8th Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- representatives of the evaluation team of Salzburg seminar will be at the University of Zagreb from April 12 to 15 in an evaluation visit.
- an overview of new educational programs of the European union (among which is the new Tempus programme)
- report about the preparations for the assembly of the University of Zagreb's alumni assocations
- the rectors of the University of Zagreb and "Taras Sevcenko" University in Kiev have signed an agreement on academic cooperation in March
- a list of foreign students at the University of Zagreb and of Croatian students at foreign universities.

This is just a selection of news from the Bulletin and we invite you to take a look at the link below!

Academic Bulletin issue 4/2004 (in Croatian)

March 26, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

The new issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb presents information about:
- the case study on the brain drain phenomenon in Croatia, conducted by the UNESCO Chair
- the Tuning project
- the Bologna call for projects within Socrates-Tempus network

Academic Bulletin issue 3/2004 (in Croatian)

March 18, 2004 - Round table "E-learning as support for university integration"

The University computing centre (
www.srce.hr) hosted the round table "E-learning as support for university integration" on March 17. Professor Petar Pervan from the Institute of Physics moderated the discussion which included four panelists, professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović, vice-rector for international cooperation of the University of Zagreb, professor Pero Lučin, vice-rector for organisation and postgraduate studies of the University of Rijeka, Sonja Špiranec, an employee of the Central information service of the National and university library, and Luka Juroš, the assistant coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education.

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