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January 28, 2006. - 2nd Issue of Academic Bulletin in 2006

Selection of news from the 2nd issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb in the year 2006:
- read about the Specific Support Actions(SSA) for Western Balkan Countries that is a part of the Sixt Framework Programme, deadline for applications is march 6, 2006.
- inform yourself abouth the scholarships of Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa
The Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and theUniversidad Politecnica de Madrid has been signed!
European Heads of State and government reached an agreement last month on the future EU financial perspectives for the period 2007-2013....
- On 7 December 2005, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted the Recommendation on the Governance and Management of University Heritage...

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 2/2006 (in Croatian only)

January 18 2006. - 1st Issue of Academic Bulletin in 2006

Selection of news from the 1st issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb in the year 2006:
- report about the process of giving proposals for TEMPUS (JEP) projects
- information for scholarship in Austriji in academic year 2006./2007.
- report on the first steps in realising the Tempus Jep project - EQUIBELT
The Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and the Univesity of Gdansk has been signed!
watch the list of the fifty greatest European Universities - the list is brought to you by The Times Higher Education Supplementu(october 2005)
- invitation for the UNICA Seminary - Trends in Education and Research: Developing Skills and Communication across Europe which will be held on 18-19 september, University of Helsinky
- invitation for the 34. Annual SEFI Conference

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 1/2006 (in Croatian only)

28-30.11. 2005. - EDUCATION FOR ALL BY 2005.

According to the recently released Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2006, some 771 million people over the age of 15 – nearly two-thirds of them women - have no basic literacy skills. Three-quarters of these people live in 12 countries: India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil, Islamic Republic of Iran, Morocco, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Education ministers from 22 countries along with representatives from the main donor nations, multilateral agencies and civil society have met in Beijing, China on 28th-30th november in order to find ways of accelerating progress towards the six Education for All (EFA) goals set by over 160 countries at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000, and to succede in halving adult illiteracy by 2015.
The rest of these informations you can find on UNESCO - LITERACY portal.

November 16, 2005. - UNESCO celebrates 60 years of Education for All

Over the past 60 years, UNESCO has made notable contributions to intellectual co-operation among nations in the field of education and has remained true to the right to education, a right proclaimed in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...

The rest of this article you can find here.

September 29 - October 1, 2005. - Danaube Rectors' Conference was held in Zagreb

University of Zagreb, from 29th September to 1st October, was the host of the yearly Danube Rectors' Conference. There were about 70 participants from Universities of middle and eastern Europe that are all connected by the river Danaube. The main issue of the conference was the financing of higher education. Introduction speeches were held by Ferdinand Devinsky(Slovakia), PhD.; Wolf Rauch(Austria), PhD and Tihomir Hunjak(Croatia), PhD. On the Conference were held three thematic sessions and the IRO meeting. Conclusions of these sessions you can find here.

18.12. 2005. - 11th Issue of Academic Bulletin in 2005

Selection of news from issue 11 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- report from the Fourth croatian seminary on Bologna Process that was held from 11th till 12th november in Varaždin
-Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) started a project „Teaching and Research Chairs“. The goal of this project is to encourage mobillity of academic staff
- information about the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and the State University of Sankt-Petersbourgh
-report from the meeting of the Presidency of the Danaube Rectors' Conference that was held in Krems, Austria on 2nd december
- information about the various scholarships

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 11/2005 (in Croatian only)

November 15, 2005 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 10 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- report from the "Welcome day" which was organised for foreign students on study at the Zagreb University(7.10.2005.)
- the information about the Reward for encourageing foreing coopeartion in the year 2005.
- the information about the proposal for signing the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and the University of Gabriele D'Annunzio in Chieti - Pescara
-informations about the Workshop for "Application for TEPMPUS project" provided from the Ministry of science, education and sport
- information about the various scholarships

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 10/2005 (in Croatian only)

October 11, 2005 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 9 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- the information about the Danaube Rectors
' Conference, held in Zagreb (September 29 - October 1)
- the information about the proposal for signing the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and the Purdue University of Indiana
- Health Universities of Baltic countries have supported "The Zagreb Declaration"
-informations about the Workshop for "Application for TEPMPUS project" provided from the Ministry of science, education and sport
- information about the scholarships of the Humblodt University in Hamburg.

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 09/2005 (in Croatian only)

January 20, 2005 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Izbor novosti iz 16. broja Akademskog glasnika:
- the information about the Europass initiative to ensure the transparency of qualifications and competencies on the common European labour market;
- the information about new agreements that the University of Zagreb signed with the Chuo University from Tokyo and the National University of Singapore;
- selection of web sites with scholarship opportunities;
- information about the opening of the interdisciplinary postgraduate course in Urban Management that was opened at the University of Zagreb.

These and other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 01/2005 (in Croatian only)

December 16, 2004- New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 15 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- report from the EUA-European University Association about the communication from the European Commission about the future of the European research policy;
- conclusions of the seminar "Employability in the Bologna Context";
- information about the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Zagreb and the University of Trnava;
- based on calls for cooperation ideas from previous Bulletins, the universities of
Arizona, Madrid, Helsinkiji and Seoul were selected as possible future partners. Faculties of the University of Zagreb are invited to send proposals for specific areas of cooperation to
mscuric@unizg.hr as soon as possible.

These and many other news can be found on the link below:

Academic Bulletin issue 11/2004 (in Croatian only)

November 18, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 14 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- information about the participation of the University of Zagreb at the 5th študentska arena in Ljubljana, Slovenia;
- information about Tempus consortium meetings at the University of Zagreb;
- invitation for a training in Tempus project proposal development - deadline for application November 24;
- information about scholarships of the Swedish institute, the British government and exchange students stcholarships.

Academic Bulletin issue 10/2004 (in Croatian only)

November 16, 2004 - First meeting of the Tempus SMSDU Consortium

The University of Zagreb hosted the first meeting of the Tempus project "Strategic management of staff development at university" consortium on November 5-8. The project is coordinated by the UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education, and is conducted with the goal of development of systems of education and training for managerial and administrative staff, and faculty.
Apart from the University of Zagreb, the following consortium members are taking part in project implementation: Universities of Bristol, Groningen, Rijeka, Strathclyde, Twente and Zadar, and experts from the Universities of Helsinki, Leuven, Southampton, Georgia, US and the UNESCO-CEPES.
We will soon add to our web site a special section dedicated to this project.

October 25, 2004 - Brain Drain research

The UNESCO Chair took part in the regional research project Brain Drain and the Academic and Intellectual Labour Market in South East Europe which was organized by the UNESCO European Center for Higher Education (www.cepes.ro). The results of the research for Croatia was presented at the final meeting in Bucharest in June, and will be published in the Higher Education in Europe journal. The final text of the research in English is available here and the Powerpoint presentation of the research here.

October 14, 2004 - New web site content

We have recently updated the web site with several new links and a overview of key features of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the articles section.
We have also added a guide for recognition specialists in our
literature section, prepared in terms of Dutch Matra project MATO2/PL/9/1 “Strategy for Recognition of European Professional qualifications”.

September 30, 2004 - DEAN conference - universities should cooperate with industry

The conference of the Deans' European Academic Network DEAN sent a powerful message to European universities about the need for greater cooperation with the industry, reports the European Research and Development Information Service CORDIS. Giles Capart, managing director of SOPARTEC, the technology transfer company affiliated to the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium, says: "The research mission of universities is at stake - both in terms of retaining good scientists and justifying your research funding; the competitiveness of European industry is at stake; and the success of the European Research Area is at stake."

The original news coverage is available from the CORDIS portal (posted on September 29, 2004)

September 16, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

Selection of news from issue 12 of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb:
- information about scholarships opportunities from the Swiss Confederation and the University of Udine;
- call for research project proposals within the Croatia-Hungary contract on scientific-technological cooperation - application deadline 8 October;
- invitation for expression of cooperation ideas with the Université libre de Bruxelles-ULB;
- conclusions from the 3rd Convention of Alumni societies of Croatian universities.

Academic Bulletin issue 8/2004 (in Croatian only)

September 14, 2004 - New section on the web site - Journals

We are happy to announce that we have added a new section to our web site: journals. The Journals section is designed to help higher education professionals in their search for relevant science and higher education publications.

We have also updated the links, international events and articles section of the web site so we invite you to take a look.


February 27, 2004 - New Issue of Academic Bulletin

The new issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb informs about the new online international cooperation database, about the assembly of the University's alumni and the scholarship for the University of Zurich. The Bulletin, supported by the UNESCO Chair, is edited and published by the Office for International Relations of the University of Zagreb, and is accessible through our web site.

Academic Bulletin issue 2/2004 (in Croatian)

February 19, 2004 - Workshop "Managing the E-learning Environment in a Higher Education Institution"

The UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education and Edupoint, the education centre of the Croatian Academic and Research Network, organise "Managing the E-learning Environment in a Higher Education Institution" workshop. The workshop is designed for managers at Croatian higher education institutions and will be held on March 15 and 16, 2004 at the University Computing Centre in Zagreb.

The workshop will acquaint participants with methods of successful project management in the e-learning environment with particular emphasis on the importance of communication between different segments of the organisation through all segments of the project.
The participation fee is 1500 kn, which includes workshop participation, printed materials, refreshments a light meal.
The registration dead-line is March 1, 2004. It is possible to register by:
- phone, 01-6164-300,
- via web form on Edupoint web site,
- via e-mail to
edupoint@carnet.hr (include your name and surname, institution, position, e-mail, phone, JMBG and a brief description of your previous experience in the application of ICT in education)
more on Edupoint web site...

February 17, 2004 - Links and events update
We have added a number of interesting links in the past two days and invite you to take a look. Additionally, we have added the Sao Paulo General Conference of the International Association of Universities to the international events list.

February 3, 2004 - First meeting of CEI University Network Advisory Board held in Trieste

Representatives of Lead Universities from member states discussed main areas of cooperation, possibilities for financing and modes of cooperation with other university networks at the first meeting of the Central European Initiative University Network Advisory Board held on February 2 in Trieste. Vlasta Vizek Vidović, vice-rector for international relations, represented the University of Zagreb at the meeting.
Central European Initiative, founded in 1989, is the oldest and largest regional co-operation initiative in Central and Eastern Europe. "The idea of establishing the CEI University Network is gradually becoming a reality (as) the Prime Ministers at the recent Summit in Warsaw took note of the Founding Charter jointly prepared by the University of Trieste, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CEI Executive Secretariat", says CEI Newsletter. The Charter provides the formal basis for the operation of the University Network which will offer joint programmes in the form of post-graduate courses based on the cooperation of several institutions of higher learning in CEI Member States.

January 21, 2004 - Expert from University of Bristol visits University of Zagreb

Kim England, Assistant Personnel Director of the University of Bristol will visit the University of Zagreb from 22-24 January to discuss opportunities for cooperation and present on Bristol University's alumni programme.
She will meet with the chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Governance and Management, professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović, in order to further discuss the project proposal for TEMPUS programme's Structural and Complementary Measures. In the second part of her visit, she will attend the meeting of the Univesity's AMAC (alumni) Committee and present on the practices of the Bristol University's alumni service. The visit by Ms England is another sign of successful relations between the two universities and is certain to bring new opportunities for cooperation.

January 15, 2004 - Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb

The new issue of the Academic Bulletin of the University of Zagreb brings information about Erasmus Mundus programs, the meeting of the international office representatives of UNICA member universities. It also informs about a number of scholarship opportunities, and the Gelsenkirchen expert meeting. The Bulletin, supported by the UNESCO Chair, is edited and published by the Office for International Relations of the University of Zagreb, and is accessible through our web site.
Academic Bulletin issue 1/2004 (in Croatian, .pdf format, around 550 kb)

January 14, 2004 - Declaration on Institutional Entrepreneurial Management available online

We have placed online the Gelsenkirchen Declaration on Institutional Entrepreneurial Management and Entrepreneurial Studies in Higher Education that was brought on December 2003. It is possible to access it from here, or from the Documents section.

December 31, 2003 - Conference on Entrepeneurial Studies in Higher Education held in Gelsenkirchen

The web site of the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education brings information about an international expert meeting on Entrepreneurial Studies in Higher Education and Institutional Entrepreneurial Management that was held in Gelsenkirchen from 4-7 December 2003. The primary objective of the meeting was elaboration and dissemination of 2003 Declaration on Institutional Entrepreneurial Management and Entrepreneurial Studies in Higher Education.

Professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović, the chairholder of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Zagreb, was one of participants at this meeting which set to delineate a new trend in higher education development. As the background outline of the conference says: "There is an increasing consensus that higher education institutions and its stakeholders need to be more effective in their various activities related to creating and transmitting of knowledge. They should also be more proactive in their role in their respective regional economies as sources of qualified human capital as well as contributing to its socio-economic development. (...) The need for 'entrepreneurial culture' in higher education has also to be seen in the context of emerging 'knowledge-based economy' and evolving societal organization towards 'knowledge societies'.

More about the conference can be found on the web site of UNESCO-CEPES here.

December 10, 2003 - Rector of Twente University delivers speech on integrated university

On Monday, December 15, at 12 o'clock professor Frans A. van Vught, rector of the Universty of Twente will hold a lecture on the topic "Functioning of integrated university". The lecture will be held in the "Miroslav Čačković" hall for teleconferencing at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, and will simultaneously be transmitted in Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar and Dubrovnik.

more (Croatian)...

December 3, 2003 - Inauguration photographs and speeches of Jan Sadlak and Vlasta Vizek Vidović put online

The speech by Jan Sadlak, PhD, director of UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education and the inauguration presentation by professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education are now available online.

On a more casual note, we invite you to take a look at the photopraphs from our inauguration ceremony.

Jan Sadlak speech (Word .doc document) - here
Vlasta Vizek Vidović presentation (.ppt file) - here
photographs - here

16 November 2003 - UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education opens in Zagreb

The inaugural ceremony of the UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education is scheduled for November 17th 2003 in the aula of the University of Zagreb...

UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education is the first institution of the kind in the region, created with a goal of offering institutional support to the reform of higher education in Croatia and establishment of a Masters course from Higher Education Management. The Chair has been established with financial support from UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education situated in Bucharest, and is a foundation of scientific research of public policy and higher education in Croatia.

copyright c 2003 UNESCO Chair Zagreb | design by vilena