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EU and the Bologna Process Documents

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Documents added in the current month:

- FROM BERGEN TO LONDON - The EU Contribution
Glasgow Declaration - Strong Universities for a Strong Europe

Brussels, 24 January 2006
- here (200kb, Word document)

Glasgow Declaration - Strong Universities for a Strong Europe
- here (259 kb, Published version in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian)


Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna
By Sybille Reichert and Christian Tauch, 2005
- here (352, Full report - English)

Trends III: Progress towards the European Higher Education Area
By Sybille Reichert and Christian Tauch, 2003
- here (1629 kb, Full report - English)

Trends II: Towards the European higher education area - survey of main reforms from Bologna to Prague
By Guy Haug and Christian Tauch, 2001
- here (526 kb, English)

Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education
By Guy Haug and Jette Kirstein, 1999
- here (499 kb, English)
The documents were downloaded from the web pages of the European University Association http://www.eua.be/eua/index.jsp

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

In the Berlin communiqu? of 19 September 2003 the Ministers of the Bologna Process signatory states invited the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) through its members, in cooperation with the EUA, EURASHE, and ESIB, to develop an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance and to explore ways of ensuring an adequate peer review system for quality assurance and/or accreditation agencies or bodies, and to report back through the Bologna Follow- Up Group to Ministers in 2005. The Ministers also asked ENQA to take due account of the expertise of other quality assurance associations and networks.
This report forms the response to this mandate and comes with the endorsement of all the organisations named in that section of the communiqu?. The achievement of such a joint understanding is a tribute to the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect that has characterised the discussions between all the players involved. I would therefore like to extend my thanks to the EUA, EURASHE and ESIB together with the ENQA member agencies for their constructive and most valuable input to the process...
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- here (176 kb, english)

Bergen Communique
Ministers in charge of Higher Education in 45 european countries have met in Bergen on 19. and 20. may 2005. to evaluate the progress of the Bologna process and to determine new guidelines for fruther development towards the European Community of Higher Education. Bergen Communique is availible
- here (44 kb, english)

A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
December 2004 - This report concerns the elaboration of qualifications frameworks as called for by
ministers in the Berlin Communiqué; it makes recommendations and proposals for an overarching Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and offers advice on good practice in the elaboration of national qualifications frameworks for higher education qualifications. - heree (280 kb, english)

ECTS - key features
July 28, 2004 - An overview of key features of the European Credit Transfer System, a crucial instrument in the establishment of the European Higher Education Area. The document was downloaded from the web site of the European Commission.
- here
(155 kb, english)

Recommendation on the Recognition of Joint Degrees
June 9, 2004 - Document adopted by the UNESCO and Council of Europe Committee of theConvention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
- here
(30 kb)

Strasbourg statement on recognition issues in the European higher education area
June 8, 2004
- Document adopted at the annual joint meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks with comments on the progress of the Bologna process and recommendations on further action.
- here
(24 kb)

Work Programme 2003-2005 for the Bologna Follow-Up Group March 24, 2004 - "In the communique from their Berlin Conference on 19 September 2003, Ministers responsible for higher education asked the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) to co-ordinate activities for progress of the Bologna Process as indicated in the themes and actions covered by the communiqué and to report on them in time for the next Ministerial Conference in 2005.)."
- here
(41 kb)

Shared ‘Dublin’ descriptors for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral awards
A report from a Joint Quality Initiative informal group
March 23, 2004 - "This note proposes a shared ‘Dublin’ descriptor for the doctoral award. Thedescriptor extends the existing Dublin descriptors for Bachelor’s and Master’s awards that have been published previously through the Joint Quality Initiative."
- here
(70 kb)

Declaration on Institutional Entrepreneurial Management and Entrepreneurial Studies in Higher Education Gelsenkirchen 2003
- here

Berlin Communique, 19 September 2003
"On 19 September 2003, Ministers responsible for higher education from 33 European countriesmet in Berlin in order to review the progress achieved and to set priorities and new objectives for the coming years, with a view to speeding up the realisation of the European Higher Education Area."
- here

Graz declaration, September 2003
"The Graz Declaration is the major EUA policy document resulting from the 2nd Convention of European Higher Education Institutions hosted by the three universities in Graz from 28-30 May 2003. Formally adopted by the Council of the EUA at its 4th July meeting in Leuven, it was transmitted to the meeting of European Education Ministers in Berlin on 18-19 September 2003, he purpose of which is to agree on the priorities for the next phase of the Bologna Process. It is therefore the formal position of Europe’s universities. It was presented as such to the Ministers in Berlin, and will be included in the Conference proceedings."
- here

Eurydice Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe (National trends in the Bologna Process), September 2003
"What is the current shape of higher education throughout Europe? How far is its recent development conducive to the transparency of higher education and training and the recognition of qualifications, which are the sine qua non for greater ease of mobility and enhanced attractivenessof provision at this level? The Eurydice survey contained in the following pages shows that, as a result of effort invested above all in pursuing the Bologna Process, the foregoing intentions are close to being realised."
- here
(1.41 Mb)

Graz Reader - EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions
Strengthening the Role of Institutions
Graz, 29 – 31 May 2003 - "This short reader has been prepared by the EUA for all participants at the Graz Convention. It contains a collection of documents which together make up a body of important information for the discussions on the future of higher education in Europe which will take place at the Convention."
- here
(2.8 mb)

Towards Shared Descriptors for Bachelors and Masters, Bologna Seminar, Amsterdam, March 2002
A report from a Joint Quality Initiative informal group.
- here

Prague Communique, 19 May 2001
" Two years after signing the Bologna Declaration and three years after the Sorbonne Declaration, European Ministers in charge of higher education, representing 32 signatories, met in Prague in order to review the progress achieved and to set directions and priorities for the coming years of the process."
- here

Salamanca Convention, 29-30 March 2001
Over 300 European higher education institutions and their main representative organisations gathered in Salamanca on 29-30 March 2001 to prepare their input to the Prague meeting of the Ministers in charge of higher education in the countries involved in the Bologna process.
- here

Bologna declaration, 19 June 1999
- here

Sorbonne declaration, 25 May 1998
Joint declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education system by the four Ministers in charge for France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.
- here

Lisbon Declaration, 17 April 1997
Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the european region
- here

Magna Charta Universitatum, 18 September 1988
- here


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